Sunday, December 9, 2012

EnJoy Every Day!

Enjoy Every Day that you have.

Do you live to EnJoy every minute and live to your fullest or do u always live in fear of or simply focused on the future or immersed in the issues, mistakes, memories of the past?

Why not take full advantage of every moment of this life that you have?  You don't win points by being a martyr or by living in regret, you simply lose precious time in the life you have.  Take care of your body. Take care of YourSelf.  Spend time with friends, family and amazing people who enrich your life every day.  Practice Gratitude.  Practice Love.   Dream big.  Take advantage of once in a lifetime opportunities.  Be spontaneous.  Plan.  Ask for what you want, expect it to happen and trust that it will!

We are all given one life, at least one life that we are aware of right now.  Seriously what is the point in not taking advantage of everything she has for you to play with and in?  

This time of year is all about Love and Possibilities.  It is all about remembering the beautiful people we have surrounding us every day.  It is about the Love and Light we have within us and in our lives every day.  It is about Giving of ourselves.  I LOVE this time of year.  It makes me Happy.  I love the decorations, all the colors, Christmas Lights...all that it all represents...

I strive every day to have this in my life and to share it with as many people and out into as much of the world as is at all possible.  How do you live your Life?

Live, EnJoy, Express, Ask, Expect, Create, Live!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

What is the Greatest Lesson that you have had in the last year that you are thankful for?

What is the Greatest Lesson that you have had in the last year that you are thankful for?

I have had so many I can't even count.   Really.  My life looks, feels and is completely different than it was last year.  The amazing people who have come into my life, my life dreams, my possibilities, my relationships, almost everything, except I that I still live in my house and have my dogs, the best friends I have ever had in my life, Bella and Rocco.  I am ever so thankful they are with me and for the blessings they bring into my life, especially my angel girl, who I was terrified beyond imagination I would lose this past summer.  Her still being with me and completely rockin more than she has in years is DEFINITELY what I am most thankful for in my life, period.

As far as the greatest lesson in the last year that I am most thankful for, it has to be my finally, after literally a life of exploring, expanding and becoming more and more me, REALLY understanding in all of me, Body-Mind-Emotions-Spirit, what Personal Power really means.  Unexplainably HUGE for me and my growth.  Huge.

Power-such an absence of external restriction and limitation that it depends only upon the inward determination of the subject whether or not it will act.

Really?!  That's what it means?  That's why people have called me such a powerful girl and woman my whole life?  Oh my goodness.  Bam.  I got it.  It alchemically changed me.  Not long after, I decided that what I had thought was my life's dream was no longer my dream and not as big as I could imagine, or be!  Wow.

" Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now!". --Goethe

It is absolutely true.  When I had this realization of what personal power really means, my whole life revolutionalized.  Everything.  The people who came in to help me do things I had no idea I needed to do and get to places I had no idea I am going.  The dreams.  Where I do my work.  How I see my work.  How I See my life.  How I feel.  How I feel about, see, understand and get EVERYTHING in my life.  

I am eternally grateful to Harry Palmer, founder and creator of Avatar for creating this impeccable, powerful and direct definition.  It changes so much for me in every way that I can't even begin to express the Gratitude I have for it.  Truly understanding and owning your own personal power changes EVERYTHING.  Everything.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Body Mind Aligned

You are confined by the boundaries that you set yourself.  The mind creates the cage.  Set yourself free and move out of your comfort zone! ~Mhar

Our minds are a powerful force in our lives.  We run so many things through our minds that we don't even know we have running within us.

We store old memories in our minds.  We store beliefs we didn't know we have.  We have thoughts that we unconsciously operate from.  We have limitations we didn't know we had put on ourselves stored in our minds and our subconscious. When we start to unlock these and work with clearing things holding us back that we had no idea were even effecting us in any way, our lives, our bodies, everything, can change.

I work with people every day, through my one-on-one work with people and through all of my classes to challenge, honor, notice and either move through or better integrate all of the things that hold us back in many ways.

When we learn and shift something on a cellular level, we learn and shift It within our minds and ourselves.  When we shift it within ourselves, we most certainly will shift it within our lives.  

When was the last time you thought you couldn't do something but had no idea why you felt that way?  Did you listen to it to find out what the message was for you?  Did you brush it aside and do it anyway?  Did you just give up, regretting that you gave up, when you know you could have possibly done whatever it was, but you somehow unexplainably just gave up?

Next time, try it.  Do it anyway.  Ask questions.  Challenge yourself.  Know that you can or if you really can't, listen to yourself to find the reason and honor it, rather than just giving up.  Doing new things is just like working out, it takes new muscles, it takes getting stronger, it takes getting out of your comfort zone sometimes, but sometimes, just sometimes, maybe all of the time, it completely worth it in the end.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

To Be Present...what does that mean?

Presence:  full attention, awareness and participation in the moment.

We hear the concept of "Being Present" talked about a lot.  It can often have a "new-agey", non-substantive quality to it.  What does being present MEAN anyway?!  

When I got the above concept, it was huge for me!  It is SIMPLY having full attention, awareness and participation in a situation, but even greater, in everything I do in my life, every moment.  It is taking in every experience, every sensation in my body, every knowing within myself and my soul...simply being with and completely IN everything in my life.

So many times, so many of us are not present in any situation, much less everything in our life.  It is sometimes easier to remain closed up in a little is sometimes easier not to be vulnerable with others and completely care and connect with who they really are and to simply stay behind one's veil.  It is easier to not listen to your body's knowing, heeding it's aches and pains or to fully experience and feel what is being shared by it through sensations.  It is easier until it is not...continuing to live this way cheats you and it certainly cheats those in your life and in situations with you...

Love your Body.  It has many, many gifts and messages for you.  It in and of itself is a gift.  Take care of it.  Cherish it as sacred and special.  Honor and listen to it, it is the only one you will get and it is a gift to live in this earthsuit.

Love YourSelf.  You are unique and amazing and the only YOU there will ever be.  Celebrate it, don't move to shrink or hide or fade or fix it, b present and fully, absolutely, totally YOU.  

Love your Life.  Live in full attention, awareness and participate in everything you have created and been handed.  Why not?!  Why hold back?!  Why BE anything except completely, fully, lively IN your life?!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Release, Repose, Reclaim

Release, Repose, Reclaim

Slow down.  Take care of me first.  Self-love and self-care.  My biggest lesson right now in my life.  My biggest lesson that was embedded deeply into me this weekend.

I Release the need to be doing, doing, doing and not BE-ing and Feeling.

I will Repose, rest, to give myself the genuine energy I need to create in my life, in myself and in my life.  To TRULY create, not to keep running and running and doing, the only rest being with collapse.

I Reclaim Me, in ALL of me, every aspect of me.

I did "Reclaiming Aphrodite" with Amrita Grace this weekend.  It was beautiful and nourishing and expansive and I just kept thinking, "This is how it is supposed to be.  This is how we are supposed to be together...this is how we are supposed to be!".  If anyone is ready to truly create the Release, Repose, Reclaim that I mention above, I highly recommend this workshop for softening into and trusting the Feminine within.

 We did the practice of Ah.  We practiced fully relaxing into the feminine and the Yin.  We sat in circle and reclaimed the space for ourselves and our sisters as a collective to BE.  To fully show up as we are, to bring our OWN particular gifts forward, whatever they may be, period.  I left Reaffirming the Intention I set on the Full moon:  relax into and slow down while remaining efficient and creating.  Patience.  But reaffirming in an even bigger, More expansive, more accepting, softer way.

I also more fully acknowledge that still afraid, TERRIFIED, in actuality, to fully show up and claim me as and in all that I REALLY am, as evidenced by the circling Yang I have had coming in and out of my life recently, showing up then disappearing, being present, not being present and completely checking out.  I will no longer sell myself short by "trying" to be open when I am, even subtlety, not really taking care of myself because I don't know what is coming.  Trust.

There it is again...Patience.  Trust.  The Yin energy is:  softening into what is, waiting, internal/inward energy, releasing, resting, taking care of and honoring self and others, being completely present to what is and what will be without expectation but simply attraction and drawing in by making a welcoming, loving space.  I want this more in my life.  I am going to have this more in my life.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

If you ask, are you REALLY ready for the answer?

As I sit here after a day of excitement, connecting and collaborating with three powerful men who have become collaborative partners for work I am putting together and co-creators in this life I am having come together all around me, getting my completely overhauled website up with some AMAZING teamwork with my website designer, and doing some of what is needed in my daily life just to keep it running, now I go to do my weekly blog.

I sit here with calm, centering "new-agey" music on and my iPad in hand.  I am completely at peace.  I am happy with where my life is going and what is showing up.  I am ecstatic that the principles I, and spiritual teachers forever down the line have taught, are real and actualizing all around me in a BIG way.  I am in awe that once I let go of what I thought I really wanted, all manner of unseen forces went to work and people, events, chance happenings, random connections became indescribably intense and frequent and even more purposeful than EVER before, and EVERYTHING in my life has always fit one thing into the next, this into that, all a connected flow...

This last month has been huge for me.  I started it with cleaning out my diet completely.  At that time, I made a conscious choice that this month was going to be about me and my growth and the growth of my business.  I was letting go of anything that no longer serves me.  I have to say, what has transpired has been nothing short of awe-inspiring.  

I have a new relationship with my body:  really dropping into loving her on a deeper, more profound level than I have experienced before, with my choices, with the ways she feels and senses and carries me through life.  I have a new relationship with food:  for the first time in my life, I really feel like I have a good one, after years of huge, tormenting struggles.  I have a new relationship with what I will and won't accept in my life:  learned the same lesson many times, but each time a new piece and different nuance of it.  So many things feel like they have shifted, after many years of "work" and introspection and frustration and learning.  I simply had to let go of my steadfast belief in what I thought I wanted.  Really and truly let it go, on a profound, even down to the subconscious level.  I got another piece of it this week, in a different way.  I can't wait to see what happens next!

Ask yourself, and only if you are ready and able to REALLY receive the answer-because if you aren't, you won't get a real answer-what you need to release to bring in the new, the improved, the even bigger than you imagined.  What else is possible?  How can it get any better than this?  Ask the question then wait for the answer.  You will know it when it comes up.  You will sense it in your Body.  You will feel it in your Soul.

Sunday, September 30, 2012


Not one of my strong points and yet with my clients working to learn something, many of them comment about how much patience I have.  Dichotomy?  Maybe.  

I want what I want when I want it.  I want situations that I am holding space for and/or creating to become real and true and manifested NOW.  I want what I see for myself and what I see myself doing in the future, my 30,000 feet wide plan, if you will, to be created already!  C'mon, what are you waiting for?!  I set my heart and mind  to something, I do it.  It is what it is.  I have a tendency to get frustrated if how I want something to look, or how I think it should eventually end up looking isn't right here, right now.

Patience and holding space and accepting things just as they are while waiting for what we are intending is a huge piece of the Yin, Feminine Energy.  We are all made up of the Yin and the Yang, Masculine Energy.   Nia teaches us how to balance these on a cellular level through movement.  In myself, the last few years has been very much a journey into the softening, yielding qualities of myself.

Many people say they see and feel it in my classes and in my dance.  Every step I take on this journey of self-growth and honing myself to truly honor myself, truly listen to my heart and soul's desire takes me more and more into the feminine, the softness, the fluidity of The Yin.  Right now, patience is especially huge for me, maybe not ironically, in a few areas in my life.  I work every day to train myself to be patient with myself and my life, just as I am patient with my clients.

I have to remember that everything has perfect timing.  It always does.  Everything is always exactly as it should be and should HAVE been when I look back.  Always.  In my experience, life is a series of steps...this fits into this fits into that, always perfectly.  Always.  One thing has to occur or be created or get cleaned up, etc., for the next thing to occur.  

I know this.  I have known it as far back as I can remember.  I still have a difficult time accepting and trusting in situations where I really, really want it...and I want it NOW!  

The other night/morning, I was awake at 4am and unable to go back to I started pulling Angel cards and Healing Cards by Caroline Myss. One of them was:  LET GO OF TIME.   How much do you need to do today?  Must you fill every moment to feel useful or productive?  How much of your life is directed by time?  Answer these questions honestly.  

Again, what do I know?  It all happens perfectly, exactly when it should, that has been proven to me time and time again. I know this, and I still find it challenging to sit with something and let it unfold.  As one of my friends says, I am one of those people who prays, "please God, give me Patience and give it to me now!". I am a work in progress, in many ways...but I keep working and I keep trusting and I keep believing...I KNOW it will all be exactly what it is supposed to be and perfect, no matter what, and DEFINITELY not on my time-table, so I sit and I hold space and I soften into what I hold space for what WILL be, if I just have Patience.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous!

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us. We ask ourselves, "Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?". Actually, who are up you NOT to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you. We are ALL meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in Everyone, and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people dot do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. -Marianne Wiiliamson

Many of you have heard me read this quote in class. I find beautiful, inspiring and true.

Most of us go through our lives not really knowing how big our hearts, souls and ourselves really are. For many reasons, we play small. Somewhere along the way, we are taught that not being fully ourselves, fully authentic, fully present and not really asking for what we really want in our lives, on ANY level, will make others like us more. Many of us mold as best we can to "fit in". Some of us develop addictions that are ultimately to hide and drown out pain and fear and to keep us from fully showing up. Some of us start to self-sabotage ourselves, and our bodies, in many many other ways.

What would happen if we all really DID show up, all ways, always? What if we had the audacity to really ask for and create the body we want, the life we want...our biggest, greatest, most expansive goal? What would happen?! Can you imagine how luminous and wonderful our lives and our world would be?! Can you imagine how we would all be if we didn't have fear, if we didn't hold back, if we were always our biggest, brightest selves?! What then?! Wow. What an amazing world we would have. Wow.

I realized recently that pursuing what I thought was my biggest and greatest life dream and goal was actually keeping me small and in my box. Wow. What a shocker! Since having this realization, I am stepping more and more into my power. My power as myself. My power taking care of my body. My power as a woman. My power within my work. My power within my life. My power in the world. It's huge and it's not necessarily an EASY road, but it FEELS expansive and right within mySelf and in my Body. It's also amazing how things are just showing up, with ease and joy and grace, not with the force and difficulty that was dominating my life previously. It really is amazing what shows up if you simply embrace you, as you REALLY are, allow whoever you are, whatever you are supposed to do and who you are supposed to be. So what's stopping you? What's keeping you in fear? What's keeping you self-sabotaging? What's keeping you from TRULY shining and being big?

Ask yourself these questions. Listen to the answers. Feel for what feels big and expansive, real and light to you in your body. What have you got to lose, except whatever is holding you back? What have you got to gain? Everything.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Do u believe u have the power to change your body AND your life?

I read this post on Facebook recently and it rang so true for me.  So many people have beliefs that hold them back from being their biggest and fullest selves and living into their fullest human potential as well as TRULY owning their power.  I decided to take it a step further and share these things connected with the habits and body patterns I see in people that exemplify these beliefs on/in the physical plane.

Here are the top 10 ways people give away their power:

1. Asking others what they should do.
2. Thinking God decides who gets what.
3. Worrying about how their dream will come true.
4. Thinking they have dues to pay.
5. Attaching to unimportant details and outcomes.
6. Believing in soul mates.
7. Thinking karma or spiritual contracts are absolute.
8. Fear of anything, especially falling in love.
9. Waiting for their ducks to line up before acting.
10. Choosing to be unhappy.

Here are the ways we mirror the giving away of our power in our bodies:

1.  Not listening to what they truly want to do for movement and fitness but 
    only doing what they "think" they should do or someone else tells them they 
2.  Thinking their genetics are predetermined and they can't change anything.
3.  Worrying about doing the "best" workout, burning the most calories, 
       thinking they have to be perfect on their diet or none of it will do any good.
4.  Thinking they have to kill themselves to change their bodies.
5.  Always worrying they aren't doing it "right".
6.  Believing someone else knows better than them in regards to what they 
       need or want.
7.  Thinking they are stuck in whatever rut they are in and not taking the time 
      Or having the initiative to change it.
8.  Fear of just getting started.  Fear of failing, so they just don't take a 
9.  Always waiting to start the workout program or diet tomorrow.
10.  Choosing to believe they will never change, their bodies will never change, 
        There is a right or wrong way to move your body and they don't know how 
         So they just stay stuck.

How do you stop yourself from being successful?  How does it show up in your body?  How does it show up in your life?

Be brave.  Take the first step.  Ask for help.  Listen to yourself.  Listen to your body.

Understand the truth, little bird, and you will soar.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Cleaning out the gunk

I've been doing a dietary cleanse for the last two weeks.  I just felt like my body was getting really heavy, was getting too full of gunk.  

I've had so much happening lately and I just felt like it was all sitting in my body, like my body was holding onto so much and something needed to change.  

I had been eating too much and drinking too much wine since Bella was diagnosed with Mass cells in a fatty tumor on her chest.  I have cut out wine, carbs, sugar, dairy and fat and I feel so amazing.  My body feels lighter and I am much more clear.  I am doing it for 3 weeks and I might do longer.  I will see how I feel in another week.

I am working on so much in my life, I have so much evolving and I feel like I am making decisions and choices from a very clear, all me place now.  I made the choice to make this time all about me, my business and my growth, which are actually all the same thing in different reflections.

What we do with and in our bodies effects and reflects in everything in our lives.  Take care of it, find your balance, listen to it, give it lots of movement in many different ways, pay attention to what your body is telling u.  
Everything is always a choice.  You choose.  You decide.  Make good choices for your health:  body, mind, emotions and spirit.
Love your Body.  Love yourSelf.  Love your Life.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

What if you could choose to live in Joy and Appreciation in your Body?

What if it's ok to have a sense of peace and joy and appreciation with and in our bodies?  What makes us think and feel it's not ok?  What happened to us to make us not like ourSelves and our Bodies?  

We hold everything in our bodies.  EVERYTHING.  Everything that has HAPPENED in our lives, everything that is HAPPENING in our lives, everything that IS GOING TO happen in our lives.  Our bodies r simply the expression of & how we sense what our souls r doing.  

The famous quote is:  "we don't have a body with a soul, we are a soul in a body...". I believe it is attributed the amazing Wayne Dyer.  I also sometimes refer to your Body as your Earthsuit.  As I understand it from "Conversations with God", we don't know y we experience & go thru what we go thru...we chose it for SOME learning, something we don't & may never understand.  We could have made an agreement in a past life, in the soul realm, unconsciously in this one...who is simply our job to learn with and from it.
We sense everything in our bodies.  We are wired to get it in our bodies first.   Our bodies are our greatest source of connection to Spirit, to other people, to the Earth...they give us so much...why are we so hard on them?

We are our bodies, most spiritual traditions have taught us that we are not.  We are also bigger than our bodies, souls are limitless and our bodies are contained within the bigger totality of us.  If we are limitless, why can't we decide what we want to create in our bodies as well?  

What if you could choose?  What if you could decide what you want to do with your body?  What if you could choose how you feel about your body?  What if you could release judgements, yours and others', and really live in joy and appreciation and SENSATION as we are designed to be and why we are given bodies to do it? 

What could you create and how much more would you love your life AND your body?  What else would be possible if you could just live, in your Body, 
Loving everything, simply being with everything, creating what you want and doing it all with Love and Appreciation for it ALL?  

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Listen, hear, feel, know, love

I've had an incredibly intense last two, or three-I'm not even sure at this point, weeks and I'm feeling like I'm just now coming out of the darkness, back into myself and back into my body!

I woke up Saturday morning feeling very uncomfortable in my own skin.  My body felt heavy.  It felt like there was just too much stagnant and just sitting something has to change.  Like I've been through a lot, have some things in my life that aren't fitting and it's time to let it and them go.

So then I danced, then I taught a second class and finally started feeling somewhat normal, myself.  I feel more myself when teaching Nia than anywhere else in my life...

Taking care of your body and yourSelf is a balance.  It's knowing when you need to change something, it's listening to what your body is telling you, what your sensations are, what your feelings are, what works for you, what doesn't.     It's eating what you're Hungry for, but knowing if it's just to numb or comfort yourself or if you really want it because you really want it for you!  It's knowing when you need to move and when you need to be still.  It's really listening, hearing, paying attention, loving and knowing...

We all hold everything in our bodies, I think I might have some old stuff, some stuff I need to release, some things I need to shift and change and let go of.  Thinking I might do a 3 week cleanse.  Thinking I want to feel more comfortable in my skin, which tells me there's something in my life and in mySelf I'm uncomfortable with.  It's time for a change.  

What do I need?   What is here for me?  What am I telling myself?  How am I going to honor all of it, all of me?  It's always a process.  We are all always learning and growing and changing and shifting.  It's simply about learning to know and trust and love.

Love your Body, Love yourSelf, Love your Life...

Sunday, August 12, 2012

I am working on a "Love your Body.  Love yourSelf.  Love your Life." event.  I need your help!

Please answer these questions:

1)  how do u feel about your body?
2)  how do u take care of your body?
3) how do u see your body?

1) how do u feel about yourSelf?
2) how do u take care of u?
3) how do u express your unique self?

1) how do u feel about your life?
2) how do you create what u want & need in your life?
3) how do u express u within your life?

I so appreciate your input on my blog, my learning and my thought processes today!!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Love. Live. Risk! Y not?!

Ahhhhh....downtime.  How long has it been since I had & took real, true downtime?  Months?!  Probably.  I believe in living my life.  I believe in grabbing every opportunity to enJoy mySelf & my Life, so I tend to fill every moment as much as I possibly can.  "Do I want to go have fun with you?!  Hell yeah!  Let's go play!".   Life is too short & we never know how long we really have.

My brother is the same way.  We figured out why a few years ago...our mother died when I was 9 & 3/4 and he had just turned 5, five days before she passed.  We decided together that is why we always "fit one more thing" in.  That is why we savor and take advantage of EVERY moment we have.  Period.  We learned very early that we never really know how long we have, so live it, love it, be and experience everything.

I have been reminded of this again this week.  My 14 & 1/2 year old Soul-Mate, love of my life, Blonde Pomeranian mix, Bella, was diagnosed with a tumor on her chest.  It sent me reeling...she is healthy and energetic and lovely and loving and charming and gracious and EVERYBODY who meets Bella loves her.  You can't help it.  We got her bloodwork back and it is really good, especially for an aging dog...this news made me cry.  I have hope.  I can't lose her yet, she sustains we will fight this unwanted invader and I will love her and she will take her amazing, strong, gracious self into this and we will come out the other side.   If you have a Soul-Mate dog, you understand this.  If you don't, it might sound a little melodramatic and you might think, "Really?!  It's a dog.". I'm ok with everyone putting their beliefs on whatever their interpretation is...this is my reality and we have a connection that is unexplainable.  She has saved my life over & over & I've literally saved hers twice.  We are a team...I could never put our connection & effect on each other into words.

I am once again reminded, one simply never knows what's going to happen...why waste even one second!?

I bought a little framed piece, before I got her actually, but I always think of her when I see it since she came into my life..."remind thyself that what thou lovest is mortal, that what thou lovest is not thine own, but is given to thee for the present, not irrevocably nor forever, but even as a fig, or a bunch of grapes, in it's appointed season of the year"

Love.  Live.  Risk...y not?!  What have you got to lose?!  Looking stupid?!  Getting hurt?!  Whatever.  In the end, it is the things we miss, the things we don't embrace, the fear that gets the best of us that we regret.  Live.  Love.  Risk.  You simply never know...

Sunday, July 29, 2012


"Don't get confused between what people say you are and who you KNOW you are."-Oprah Winfrey I just recently made the decision to step away from a dream that has been my life dream for 16 years.  It came as somewhat of a shock to me when the awareness that it might not fit anymore literally just popped into my consciousness one day during a Nia class.  It came a day after I spent the entire day working on power...the definition of power...what I believe my power to be...what I really want and believe. It was just not flowing...I had issue after issue pop up in my quest for it.  It didn't feel light anymore, it completely felt heavy and like work.  In my Nia practice, I have learned, and I teach my students and clients to, listen to their body sensations, their thoughts, their feelings and what one's spirit really wants! I now understand that everything evolves, everything, always, all ways.  I now understand that me holding onto that goal was also keeping me small...keeping me in my box. When I decided to let it go, so many things that had been swirling around me, undefined, became defined and started to manifest rapidly.  All I have been able to do is stand in the middle of my Creation and simply listen to and follow what I'm feeling and where I'm being directed. I've also had many amazing, wonderful people show up in my life to support me, guide me, listen to me, assist me in so many beautiful ways it's simply astounding. Don't ever give your power away saying, "I don't know.".  You always know.  It is always there.  You always have the answer.  Allow.  Embrace.  Listen.  Own yourSelf and your own Personal Power.  It is always there, all ways, simply waiting for you to notice, to acknowledge, to be you for you, not for anyone else or for what someone else's idea of you or what you are supposed to be or do is...

Sunday, July 22, 2012


What do I write about this week?  What else is there with the unspeakable, unimaginable horror and tragedy that has encompassed our state this week?  How can a human being, patterned after love and internally coded for finding balance and living from love do such an unspeakable, unimaginably horrible act?   The world, people, the universe and everything in it are coded for finding balance and contain within it Yin and Yang.  Love and Fear.  Light and darkness.  Love and hate.  Strength and weakness.  Focus and disorientation.   God and evil. Fear, Darkness, Disorientation, Hate, Weakness, Evil.   It would seem these terrible states won this week, but have they?  The Human Spirit always seems to shine in horrible instances such as this.  People always band together, send out love, support, strength and grace.  It is being exemplified now as well. I have no words of tremendous wisdom.  No profound words of how to make sense of the senseless.   I watch and wait, stunned, just like everybody else.  I send out love and support and hope to the souls of those taken in this unimaginable tragedy, the people that are healing and waiting in hospitals or at home from wounds sustained in the incident and for the families of all of these people... I hold space for healing.  I hold space for the greatness that is within every being.  I hold space for the light and love that is within all of us...

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Love your Body. Love yourSelf. Love your Life.

Right now, and in the recent past, I make my living as a Fitness Person, Personal Trainer, Nia Teacher, Pilates Teacher and Body-Mind Fitness class Instructor.  I have specialized in Corrective Movement, Post Rehab work, Body Re-shaping and getting people's Bodies and Minds connected so they are able to tell their bodies what they want them to do, instead of the other way around. I encourage people to find what works for them fitness, nutrition and health-wise, not just feel like they HAVE to do XYZ because someone told them they have to.  I am in a huge, huge shift of re-creating much of what I do. I will continue to do what I currently do and A lot of it has yet to be completely revealed to me. All I know is that it involves moving into being more of a Movement coach, public speaking and traveling, sharing my own personal story of my journey toward and constant work with balance and healing, retreats, collaborations with other healers, etc. My slogan is: Love your Body. Love yourSelf. Love your Life. To live your best life, you must strengthen, balance, honor and align your Body, Mind, Emotional Body and Your Spirit. Make your choices for you, who you are right here, right now; not who you were in the past or will be in the future, but who you are right here, right now. What brings you joy, pleasure, love, health & true fitness? I work with helping people grow towards this intention and their own goals every day! You are different than that other person...why should your work-out, your nutrition plan, your life look like anyBody else's? So I am seeing this as a mission statement of sorts.  Clarifying for myself, for you and for the Universe what I am doing and where I am heading.  I look forward to sharing all of this with you and standing in the middle of whatever unfolds for me, for you and for all of us!  Life is a fun journey...are you enjoying the ride or are you being dragged along kicking and screaming...all of your own doing, whether you know it or not!  Heehee Contact me and let's find out what potentials and possibilities are in there that you have yet to uncover!!!

Saturday, July 7, 2012


This week we celebrated "Independence Day".  It made me start thinking about just how free all of us really are.   So many of us are slaves to so many different things:  our habits, our beliefs,  our jobs, other peoples' demands on us, our demands on ourselves, our pasts...on & on... Where does it end?  When do we start our lives?  Our selves? When do we get to find what we really want & what works for us?  Further more, how do we even begin? We begin with a desire, an intention, to find what we really want, who we really are, how we want to live our best lives!  Then, it takes stepping out of our comfort zone to find our own real magic.  There will be trials, missteps, experiments, fun, happiness, pain, trust, doubt...everything we could possible experience.  All of it is crucial for growth, to create our best selves, to create our best lives.  All of it.  It's crucial to get a higher fitness level; in order to get stronger, have more stamina, lose weight, change your physical body in any way, you have to challenge yourself.  It's crucial to get a higher level of emotional awareness; in order to become more aware and loving and able to connect with others, you have to have moments of pain and moments of unexplainable connection as well as understanding.  It's crucial to get a higher level of mental ability; you have to read and learn and experiment and question and change what you already know.  It's crucial to grow spiritually; in short, if you always do what you've always done, you will always get what you've always gotten, period.  What do you really want? How badly do you want it?  How much do you just know in your body and your intuition there's more for you?  FreeDance, change your route you  walk every day, seek out new experiences and new people, read, explore, seek, allow, listen, feel and sense!  Don't  allow fear to stop you from finding this for yourself.  You owe it to youself.  Fearless.  Lovefull!  Embrace, express and love you:  Body, Mind, Emotion and Spirit.  You will never regret connecting to your true, innate birthright of FREEDOM!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Dancing Through Transition

Transition in life.  Cha-Cha in Nia.  Similar & both have the same purpose, to take us from one step into the next, from one movement into the next.  In the Cha-Cha, it is done with one step forward then one step back.  In life, a transition can often look & usually feels like one step forward then one step back. The Cha-Cha is an extremely simple step.  However, many people trip themselves up & get confused.  As I have said for almost 16 years now, how one does Nia is how one does life.  Can you let go of your thinking, "I can't do this, this is impossible, I'm frustrated & overwhelmed" habit & just go with it?  Go with the simplicity.  Go with just what's put in front of you & work with it & IN it with Dynamic Ease & Grace.  What is your habit, do you just not let yourself have it & GO FOR IT?!  Or do you? When a transition, a stumble, a fall, a missed step in any form is put in front of u, do u see & feel it as this or do you freak out & automatically assume & tell yourself that you can't do it?  "It's just too hard!"  Optimist:  someone who figures taking a step backward after taking a step forward isn't a disaster, it's a Cha-Cha!--Robert Brault Love yourSelf.  "Friendliness towards oneself becomes friendliness towards another."-Harry Palmer, founder of Avatar. Live your life.  What do we possibly gain from throwing frustration, overwhelm & "I Just Can't Do It!" into our lives, into ourselves, in our WAY?!  Just think of all of the energy wasted on that, ick! Love your Body.  Love yourSelf.  Love your Life.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The dress rehearsal is over, time to play the real game!

Information gathering...always preparing...always making sure it's right & good enough.  What's stopping you from playing a bigger game, risking & just doing what you want to do?  Life is not a dress rehearsal, if you are always preparing & making sure & waiting to start so you can make sure you can do it, when do you actually do it?   It's imperative to do the work, imperative to have background information, imperative to have the desire to do it right to actually do it and do it to your absolute best!  HOWEVER, if you never actually put it into play, when do you join the real game, not just the practice before the game? Real change takes commitment & inspiration.  "“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!”  ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.   This means anything in your life:  changing your body, changing your career, creating relationships you want in your life...everything. Attention follows intention.  What is your REAL intention?  What do you REALLY want?  Uncovering & feeling what is REALLY true & REAL for you is the first part of real change & creation in EVERY part of your life.  Once you discern your own true reality & desire, you can create is by your attention, your desire, your decisions, your actions. Every choice we make, every action we make, has a result.  Attention follows intention, whether we know it or not. Learn to listen to your true you.  Learn to listen to your body.  Learn to listen to your body's intuition.  Learn to trust you...then put what you have learned into play!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Big changes unfolding...the Butterfly is flying!

I have been in this intense clean out, uncover, shift & create piece for the last few weeks. I had been wearing this butterfly necklace that was my mother's (which I hadn't worn in years) for this intense period. I put the butterfly on when the necklace I have worn for the last three years, my logo, broke one morning, as it had three times before.  I decided not to fix it this time.  I went to my necklaces to pick out another one.  I always wear one necklace that is a continuous sacred piece & symbol for me, no matter what other jewelry I have on.  Before my logo, I wore a celtic triad symboling body, mind & spirit.  I decided not to put it back on, but chose the butterfly instead.  I wrote an AMAZING blog about it yesterday morning, then accidentally erased it.  I was pressed for time & frustrated, my habitual reaction, so I decided to wait to rewrite it. Yesterday noon I allowed into my consciousness this awareness that I had not ever fully allowed in or acknowledged. The awareness is Pretty much that I don't know if I really want what I thought was my life's dream, because I think it was as big as I could imagine. I don't think it's as big as I can imagine anymore.  Well...Lo & behold...Last night, my butterfly necklace broke. I just moments ago had the awareness that maybe that means I'm done...out of the cocoon, ready to REALLY rock & roll now. I don't know what's coming, but I know I'm listening & paying attention to EVERYTHING, sensing my body & feeling what's right for me...implicitly trusting that I am headed in the right direction and being guided, in a very profound, profound way. I know truly listening to my body, noticing if I get a lighter or heavier, free or constricted, etc. sensation in any situation, my body, my Spirit, & my soul will never lead me in the wrong direction...