Sunday, November 11, 2012

Body Mind Aligned

You are confined by the boundaries that you set yourself.  The mind creates the cage.  Set yourself free and move out of your comfort zone! ~Mhar

Our minds are a powerful force in our lives.  We run so many things through our minds that we don't even know we have running within us.

We store old memories in our minds.  We store beliefs we didn't know we have.  We have thoughts that we unconsciously operate from.  We have limitations we didn't know we had put on ourselves stored in our minds and our subconscious. When we start to unlock these and work with clearing things holding us back that we had no idea were even effecting us in any way, our lives, our bodies, everything, can change.

I work with people every day, through my one-on-one work with people and through all of my classes to challenge, honor, notice and either move through or better integrate all of the things that hold us back in many ways.

When we learn and shift something on a cellular level, we learn and shift It within our minds and ourselves.  When we shift it within ourselves, we most certainly will shift it within our lives.  

When was the last time you thought you couldn't do something but had no idea why you felt that way?  Did you listen to it to find out what the message was for you?  Did you brush it aside and do it anyway?  Did you just give up, regretting that you gave up, when you know you could have possibly done whatever it was, but you somehow unexplainably just gave up?

Next time, try it.  Do it anyway.  Ask questions.  Challenge yourself.  Know that you can or if you really can't, listen to yourself to find the reason and honor it, rather than just giving up.  Doing new things is just like working out, it takes new muscles, it takes getting stronger, it takes getting out of your comfort zone sometimes, but sometimes, just sometimes, maybe all of the time, it completely worth it in the end.

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