Sunday, November 24, 2013

As you move, Life moves.

What a productive, awesome day!

So far, I have gotten 20 out of 29 things on my to do list done! Woohoo! I expect to be at 23 by the time I go to sleep. I will get the rest of them done tomorrow & Tuesday. Ahhhhhhh. I feel like I am finally getting it all together & things are starting to gel & move in an amazing way in my life.

I have come up with another tag line as well, "Life Moves As u Move.". When we take action, when we shift something in ourselves, when we make a commitment to changing something holding us back, life will cooperate with us. If we do nothing & continue to do nothing, life will respond.

I did not do an email last week because I was cleaning up clutter in my house that just needed to go. Very symbolic. Cleaning clutter out of my house is cleaning clutter out of my life.

Many more big changes in my life for me during the last few months. It is becoming absolutely the norm in my life. I have not really felt ok since Bella got sick. I also did nothing for my business for many months and I am now paying for it, but I am taking action, big action. I have recently partnered with an incredible organization, Achieve Fitness Systems, and I am super excited about where my life and my business will go with them on my team. It is a team/a family of fitness & wellness professionals coming together to offer more than any of us can individually and I get wonderful, affirming, positive coaching from the CEO, which is helping me move past all of my sadness and inertia and start to see & feel possibilities again.

I am embarking on a big, new, exciting speaking and presenting aspect of my business. I am adding many residual streams of income by learning to and getting in the habit of thinking even more outside the box. I will be creating my own Body of Work playing with aspects of Feminine power, Embodiment and Movement. I'm also creating another very powerful Body of Work with an amazing man about Integration & Embodiment of the Yin & Yang-Feminine & Masculine.

In many ways, this is the time of my life with the most change, the most excitement of possibility, the most I've believed and known it is all changing and I have the tools & the support & the knowledge to do it because of the love & support of so many amazing people. In many ways, it is the most terrifying, the most exhausting, the biggest utterly not in control Surrendered time in my life. Dichotomy. Actually very much the Ultimate Balance of Masculine & Feminine.

I will continue to move forward. My body & my spirit will heal, as I continue to take care of myself. I know I am being carried & I know Bella had to leave me for me to have space to create any of this. And...

I can and I will...Watch Me....
My Goodness I am tired, I just need to rest, please take over for me, I know u got this, thank u.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Things I tell clients over and over (and over!)!

The things I find myself telling clients over and over and over!

So I've noticed several things that I find myself saying to my people repeatedly during a personal training session and in general. I decided I should write them down and share them w everyone so I can help even more people to connect their minds and their bodies as well as to change their bodies!

1). Sit back with ur butt first, then bend ur knees-most people sit and do squats with their knees and with bending over only. I teach a specific way of moving that gets people actually engaging and strengthening their glutes rather than just stressing their knees and/or their backs. This is important for SO many things: decreasing back pain & knee pain, strengthening leg muscles so they support knees and backs, having a nice butt, etc!

2). Pull the bottom pointy ends of ur shoulder blades together & down-most people hold a lot of tension in their necks, traps (the muscles running between the neck and the shoulders) & shoulders and tend to hunch forward on top of that. They do everything from the upper upper back, traps and shoulders. I teach people to use and strengthen the muscles in the lower upper back so that their shoulder blades are sitting where they r supposed to be. This takes huge amounts of stress and usually a lot of pain out of those over-used areas! It improves their posture 100%, which in and of itself makes their entire body look different!

3). Navel to Spine-in most people, their Transverse Abdominus doesn't fire properly. This muscle, (the underneath layer of abdominal muscle, which literally supports the entire body from it's center) can only engage with the navel pulling in and down into the lower back, like an ice cream scoop is scooping out the belly. It is very subtle & challenging for most people to learn how to do. I teach people the difference between this and just sucking in their stomach, BIG DIFFERENCE! I have people paying attention to and keeping it engaged throughout their entire workouts. When people do this, it supports their lower back, improves the strength of their entire core, improves low back issues and changes the way their entire body looks!

So those r just 3, but probably the most used phrases that I say in all of my core conditioning classes and with all of my one-on-one fitness, movement & Personal Training clients. Enjoy! Play w them urself and as always, let me know if u have questions, comments or feedback!