Sunday, September 28, 2014

Reflection of Your Inner Self

Everything we are experiencing showing up in our physical world is a reflection of what is going on within ourselves. 

I have had 2 profound examples of this in my world over this last week.  The extent that this is true is mind-blowing and how it has shown up in my world, both examples I'm using are very different and both were directly connected to what I had going on in my mental and emotional bodies.

First, I had a situation with a man where I was very much cutting myself off from him and trying to just separate (which was, in actuality, very much my own self-sabotage) and I was completely spinning in my own stuff.  His reaction to me reflected it, I was so caught up in my stuff that I was being hidden.  When I (what felt like physically and) consciously went into myself and shifted what I was feeling and what I was putting out and AT him, his entire demeanor, energetic and actions towards me was PROFOUND how fast it happened and just how quickly the entire situation changed.  "Oh, there she is, cool."  PROFOUND concrete confirmation for me of just how energy creates and effects energy and how we really and truly create and effect the world around us.

Second, I found myself SEVERELY tucking my pelvis under and what felt like clenching my lower abdominals and transverse abdominus and I could not stop it, no matter how much I told my body to stop it-which I am very adept at doing!  While talking with my gf about it, I started talking to her about this situation with a man that I had been in where I felt very betrayed, attacked and let down, not to mention disappointed in his actions and complete lack of awareness about what he was actually doing.  After talking with her about it, I noticed I had more movement in my pelvis!  Woohoo!  After finally deciding how to handle and what I would do about the situation then informing him of my decision, my hips released even more and the pain that had come up in my sacrum lessened considerably.  Whew!  What a direct confirmation of the mind-emotion-body connection!

Do you have any examples of how you have seen things connect for you?  What have you seen manifest for you that you were focusing on?  How have you noticed the what your think and feel connection in the physical world?  Please share, I'm really curious how this shows up for you!

Monday, September 22, 2014

The Goddess Attracts, Never Pursues

What does this mean to you? 

You know the "Theory of Attraction", yes?  You attract into your life what you want by your intention and your giving space and allowance for it to show up.  It is the opposite of the energy of force and action.  In essence, these are the dynamic interplay of the Feminine and Masculine Energies of life. 

Feminine Power is coming from a space of Love:  receiving, holding space for, allowing, softening,  loving and appreciating all of you, receiving, holding space for, allowing, softening, setting/honoring boundaries from the space of Love and being Centered and Embodied from this true place of Power. 

Masculine Power is coming from a place of Being on a Train Track: complete focus, action, force, not taking no for an answer, setting boundaries from a place of "don't mess with me, I am doing what I want and nothing is going to stop me, so don't even try."

How good is your balance with these two energies in your life?  Do you do everything from force and action?  Do you allow yourSelf to create and to let Life happen and bring the amazingness that you desire/deserve with patience, trust and knowing that God/the Universe/Life (whatever your word for the Divine is) has your back and that the greatest and highest good (notice the similarity to GOD) will always show up, no matter what it looks like at the time, or even when it shows up?  Do you do BOTH, whatever is actually called for from you in each situation? 

There is no right or wrong answer.  You can't screw this up.  Everything happens as it is supposed to happen, no matter what...

SO...staying in your Inner Goddess Self is simply staying with yourSelf.  With your Intuition.  With your Innate Knowing.  One lets it come to her instead of feeling like she has to go out and make it happen.  One stays in...grounded, centered, soft and feminine.  Moving Your Inner Goddess is simply moving with this energetic and connecting it within yourself and your body.  The Goddess attracts, not pursues...

Saturday, September 6, 2014

part 3: transverse abdominis

This is the third and last installment of my 3 part series talking about the muscles I focus on teaching people to engage when they first begin working with me and what their physical, energetic and emotional connection is within the body.  Today we talk about the Tranverse Abdominis and it's role. 
It is the deepest of the abdominal muscles.  That means it is the one closest to your internal organs. It is sometimes referred to as the "corset" muscle.  Its primary role is to provide support to the spine and increase pressure on the abdominal cavity (where the internal organs are) and thoracic cavity (where the lungs are).  The fibers run transversely across the body (hence the muscle's name).  When the transverse abdominis contracts, the linea alba (the center of the abdomen) moves in towards the center of the body as it is pulled towards all of the origins of the muscle.  So when I tell you to pull your belly button into the spine or pull your belly down, it is to encourage activation of the transverse abdominis.  The transverse abdominis is usually the weakest of the four abdominal muscles for many reasons, including back and hip pain, back and hip trauma, pregnancy, stress in one's life, etc.  It is shut down and not firing in MOST people.  However, Activation of your transverse abdominis is what flattens your belly, as well as supports the back and it is key in supporting your back and hips and working with any pain in those areas.

Being the deepest muscle in the center of the body and physically supporting the entire body, (particularly the lower back and hips) as well as being the connection between the lower part of the heart energetic center and the solar plexus (the center for personal power), it is very much a part of self-love, security/self-identity and belief in onesself.  The lower back holds a lot of security issues, stress and tension of all kinds.  The hips hold a lot of rigidity/flexibility issues as well as stress and tension.  The transverse supports both of these and when properly functioning, helps them both stabilize, thus balancing a lot of the: rigidity, flow, adaptability to life and movement, belief in onesself, security in who one is in this world and feeling secure within this world.  All stress comes from one trying to control the world around them instead of accepting what is, being with what is and moving with what is.  Stress comes from trying to make something, very often times everything, into something it is not.

Learning to engage the tranverse take a lot of practice and focus, and many people want to just gloss over it and let the psoas, arms and legs take over in movements instead of truly learning how to use it as it is designed to be.  There is true value in learning how to slow down and allow the body to be, allow yourself to be, and let something happen as it is supposed to happen instead of the forcing and making something work that we are all accustomed to and have come to believe is the only way to make fact, it very often stops true change from happening.  In order to bring the new, the fluidity and flexibility within one's body and life, one has to accept that learning how to do something different and allow that there might be another way to do something, anything, rather than what one has always done.  Learning how to truly use the transverse abdominis will translate into being more supportive and engaged in all of our movement, all of ourselves and all of our life.

I hope you have enjoyed the exploration of these different sections of the body!  As always, Please let me know all questions, comments and feedback.  Love to u...