Friday, September 11, 2015

Confidence in Sales and Business is an In-Your Body Experience

We all hear the speech and business coaches say that it is imperative for us to be Present, Completely in the Room and In Our Bodies when we are speaking, working with a business deal or doing a sales call. It's ABSOLUTELY TRUE! There's just one big problem...most people have no idea what that actually means! Just like "working out" people think they should inherently know how to be in their bodies, but neither one is actually "common sense" or "normal" for most people because we have had the intellectual and logical emphasized our entire lives and our bodies have gotten completely ignored. Learn some super simple tricks to finding this Comfortable and Confident place for yourself: Mind, Heart and Soul...IN YOUR BODY! Believe and Embody that you can and you can!

Most people know There's a disconnect in there that is stopping them from having what they desire in their lives, completely showing up full on and/or from feeling better in their bodies. It is absolutely true that we have everything within ourselves and that we always know what we know, we just often don't trust what we get within ourselves, much less within our bodies, because we have the misconception that they have betrayed us in some way! When you uncover the disconnect, connect fully to what's stopping you, admit that your body has not betrayed you at all, it has only been responding to you and your life, and discreate the obstacles in your way, whew! That is when you unleash the magic that you have shut down inside of you! So many people are not truly willing to do whatever it takes to bring in what they truly desire for themselves...uncovering this unleashed magic and playing with it creates some serious rock and roll in your life!

NOW is when you are Coming from a confident and sure authentic place because you will be connected to your true core self! True Embodied Confidence: healing your body and body's movement however that needs to happen, taking care of yourself and your body on body-mind-emotion-soul levels, being willing to get real and vulnerable with yourself to unlock and discreate what's stopping you, to be real and vulnerable with others to truly show up for YOURSELF and rock your life!!

What's blocking you from your success? What's stopping you from unleashing your magic and rocking your life like you REALLY want to?!

Think about it. Feel into it. Let me know how I can help you find your magic key...

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Connection, Communion, Communication.

Connection.  Communion.  Communication.

    Connection with your Body, Mind and Spirit:  Self-Esteem and Self-Respect is crucial for our health and for us creating a life that ROCKS!  Connection to ourselves and our own responsibility for everything in our lives is essential for us becoming the quality of person that we want to be and for creating the life we want to create: Being aware of, feeling and sensing what’s going on within ourselves without fear, judgement or over-analyzation.
     Equally significant is the role of self-esteem in creating and maintaining a healthy body.  When we lack self-respect, our relationships with others are temporary and fragile states of intimacy because we can't share what we don't have!  We continually fear abandonment because the terror of being alone drives our actions and because we abandon ourselves all of the time, why won't someone else?  We continually fear abandonment because we don't feel good about ourselves and don't take of ourselves and our bodies, why would someone else take care of us?  Consciously developing and acknowledging a personal code of honor and good self-esteem is crucial to having a healthy body and a rockin life!  Connecting to, listening to and respecting our bodies is a key to changing our lives.

    Communion with your Body, Mind and Spirit:  listening to and acting on what’s needed to bring
you into balance and what getting what you need.  Truly starting an accepting dialogue with yourself and your body to find what works best for you and what your particular balance is.  Simply put, communion is honor.  When we violate our honor or compromise it in any way, we contaminate our spirits and physical bodies.  Integrity and honor are necessary for health.  They connect to all financial and creative activity.  Being able to find the way to truly take care of ourselves and create a life that rocks is absolutely creative and in turn, this usually will show up in our finances as well.  Communion is the power to act with integrity and honor within all of our relationships, from marriage to friendship to professional bonds to relationship with self. Everyone in our life plays a role essential to our development.  Our Challenge is to become mature enough to recognize and live by this truth.  We are spiritually driven to connect with the sacred within other people, as well as within ourselves.  Honoring ourselves and others is crucial and instrumental for our health in all ways.

     Communication between your Body, Mind and Spirit:  actualization of the realization that you have to truly show up for yourself in all ways and call yourself on your own shit and change it yourself to actually get ANYWHERE.  Personal Power-internal direction with the absence of outside forces.  Absolute self-love and respect.  Our bodies, minds and spirits need and REQUIRE love to survive and thrive.  We violate this when we act unlovingly towards others OR ourselves.  Not listening to and following our intuition is unloving to ourselves.  Not having our own personal power is unloving to ourselves.  We have to make a commitment to attend consciously to our own needs in order to love and accept others.  When the heart is not filled with the vital energies of love and harmony, no amount of money or power can keep it tranquil.  An empty heart causes an empty life, often resulting in illness/disease and always resulting in poor health.  It is a conscious expression of harmony to hopefully get the mind's attention.

     Having all three of these and employing them in our lives is the key to bringing whatever it is we want for ourselves into our lives...

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Your Roadmap to More Money in your Life, Success with Clients and JOY in Your Life

Unlock Your Success: How to Move to Having More Money in your

 Business, Success with Clients and Joy in Your Life

  Your Posture and how Present you are in your Body communicates

to the world who you are and how you feel about yourself. How

much better would your life be if you spent more time completely

present? What could you create for yourself, your body, your life,

your business and your money flow? 

There are a few things that keep most of us disconnected from

having all of this and 3 must haves that will change the course of

everything if you implement them.

Close your eyes. Check in with yourself. Notice how you feel right

now: physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. Right here, right

now. Come up with maybe 2 words to describe it. Write it down.

Now, sit up really tall, head over chest over pelvis and feel your butt

sitting on the chair. Take a deep breath. So think back to how you

felt when you were just closing your eyes. Notice how you feel right

now. 2 Words. Write that down. How Does it feel different? 

Write that down.

Your posture and how PRESENT you are in your body

communicates who you are and how you feel about yourself with

everyone you meet. So another question for you: What IS Presence?

How do YOU define Presence? “It is a grounding and harmony in

this very moment; it is a physical alertness, emotional acceptance, a

spiritual awaereness and union with what is in front of us in the here

and now; it is vital consciousness to who we are and what we are

sensing; it is a mindfulness to what it meaningful.” 

How much better would your life be if you spent more time

completely present and taking care of yourself and your body in all

ways? How much better would your life be if you spent more time in

this second state?

What could you create for Yourself, Your Body, Your Life, Your

Business, your Money Flows!? 

Now, pick one thing that you want to change. It can be in your body,

your life, your relationships, your business...just one thing. Write it

down cuz if u don't write it down, it's just a wish! What could you

change in 30 days? 90? 180?

This 4 part series will give you the key to what is keeping you

disconnected from more money in your business, more success

with your clients and in many ways, everything in your life, as well as

the 3 must haves that will empower you to create this thing you just

identified for yourself and change the course of your business if you

implement them.

What I talk about and empower clients to do is very different than 

anything else you are going to hear about and I dare say very

different than anything ANYBODY else will teach you to do.  There

are an endless number of people out there telling you to "love

yourself and your body".  I HAVE DISCOVERED MANY PEOPLE

DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!  How can you be expected to

just DO something you have no idea how to do or what it even


I teach you what this really means and HOW to be and do it and to

MOVE your body in ways and A way that YOUR body needs, even

in that ONE second, and no other time!  THAT is what is going to 

change your body and your life, playing and working with what IS,

not fighting it and looking for ways or A way outside of you that

doesn't work for you OR your Body!  Stay tuned, I can't wait to

share all of this with you!

Much Love  xoxoxo

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Where am I lacking consistency?

Where am I lacking consistency?

Do you honestly ask yourself that? Honestly. Consistency is the key to achieving anything. The crucial key. Everything builds on everything else on the road to creation.

Generally, we don't have skill issues, we have choice and commitment and follow through issues. Be committed, don't just check things off of a list! There is a huge body of research put there that being born with absolute talent is a myth. The thing that makes a person successful is practice, furthermore, perfect practice...many of us opt for giving up and believing it is just luck or simply a gift we don't have that is keeping us from a desire, when it really is as simple as getting hyper focused and consistent in our efforts, practice and follow through that we need to do.

Fast tracking to consistency and creation in our lives:
----good choices, good habits
*think less, do more-be able to just go thru it and do it, it's a habit!
*practice more
*if it's hard, sign up
*if it's scary, do the highest level
*ask more
*complain never
*share your ideas, not your valuable time
*worry less
* trust more
*Remember the demons (even demons have to sleep, it's going to pass, it's going to change)

Honestly ask yourself, "At what point did I decide that somebody else was going to: take The spot intended for me, Have the dream I want, do what I want to do?!". Why did you give up? How would everything change for you if you knew that it could all change if you just leaned in, focused and stayed consistent in everything you did? Wow! Whew, that takes off so much pressure!

Life moves as you move. Be consistent.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

You have to risk and get out of your own way to create what you want!

I am sitting at the airport waiting standby to get on a flight because I missed my flight 12 hours earlier.  Not the best use of my day and I have to admit that the day of not doing anything has been needed.

3 weeks ago, I started considering selling my house.  Within days, I decided to do it.  It made sense in absolutely every way:  the market is crazy hot and it would sell at a huge profit for me in a matter of days (which it did), I could use that money to have breathing room and to invest in myself and my business, bringing me even more money in the long run, I could invest a hug chunk of it and grow it even more then buy back in within a few years, I couldn't afford to do all of the things I want to do and that really need to be done to my house...on and on.  There's just one problem:  I absolutely love my house and my yard and I am extremely attached to it.

To say the last few weeks have been emotionally tumultuous is perhaps an understatement.  This letting go process has been extremely difficult.  You  see, I have never had any real stability in my life.  My life has been a very long series of having to let go, and not little things, of big mother before I was 10, living in 5 different houses before graduating from high school, the money I inherited from my grandfather upon starting college, the sweet sweet boyfriend I had in my 20s and who was possibly my only stability in my life (but I knew I just wasn't supposed to be with), the rest of the money I inherited from my grandfather upon his wife's death during my marriage, letting go of the house in California that I loved, my marriage, my job giving that i me stability here in Colorado, my Bella, and now, I'm voluntarily letting go of my house here...the only place I know I belong and that absolutely belongs to seems that my life in all ways has absolutely been a process of unbecoming and it having significance on 

Of course, all of these letting gos all eventually led to another piece for me, another evolution, another path into something else...AND this one is excruciating for me.  I absolutely feel like I am being ripped part on the inside.  Of course, when the decision was made, I took action, I had some repairs done that needed to be done, I took to cleaning then completely detailing my house while it was completely torn up with the workers there, then we got It listed, then we had to decide on which offer to accept...all the while, I was torn at the knowing that I was consciously choosing to let go of my beloved house, even if it absolutely makes absolute rational sense...the decision is ripping me up inside.  My body, heart and mind are absolutely exhausted and my body feels completely off kilter.

AND I choose it.  I choose growth, I choose more, I choose my next step, over and over and's the only way...for me, it is the only way for my life, myself and my body...  

For everyBody, it is the only way to move into what YOU want, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  It is the only way for growth and change and stepping into what's next and moving into what's next for you.  Many people don't choose it.  It's all a choice, how badly do u want it?  

Life moves as u move!!!

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Life Moves as U Move

I am sitting at the airport waiting standby to get on a flight because I missed my flight 12 hours earlier.  Not the best use of my day and I have to admit that the day of not doing anything has been needed.

3 weeks ago, I started considering selling my house.  Within days, I decided to do it.  It made sense in absolutely every way:  the market is crazy hot and it would sell at a huge profit for me in a matter of days (which it did), I could use that money to have breathing room and to invest in myself and my business, bringing me even more money in the long run, I could invest a hug chunk of it and grow it even more then buy back in within a few years, I couldn't afford to do all of the things I want to do and that really need to be done to my house...on and on.  There's just one problem:  I absolutely love my house and my yard and I am extremely attached to it.

To say the last few weeks have been emotionally tumultuous is perhaps an understatement.  This letting go process has been extremely difficult.  You  see, I have never had any real stability in my life.  My life has been a very long series of having to let go, and not little things, of big mother before I was 10, living in 5 different houses before graduating from high school, the money I inherited from my grandfather upon starting college, the sweet sweet boyfriend I had in my 20s and who was possibly my only stability in my life (but I knew I just wasn't supposed to be with), the rest of the money I inherited from my grandfather upon his wife's death during my marriage, letting go of the house in California that I loved, my marriage, my job giving that i me stability here in Colorado, my Bella, and now, I'm voluntarily letting go of my house here...the only place I know I belong and that absolutely belongs to seems that my life in all ways has absolutely been a process of unbecoming and it having significance on 

Of course, all of these letting gos all eventually led to another piece for me, another evolution, another path into something else...AND this one is excruciating for me.  I absolutely feel like I am being ripped part on the inside.  Of course, when the decision was made, I took action, I had some repairs done that needed to be done, I took to cleaning then completely detailing my house while it was completely torn up with the workers there, then we got It listed, then we had to decide on which offer to accept...all the while, I was torn at the knowing that I was consciously choosing to let go of my beloved house, even if it absolutely makes absolute rational sense...the decision is ripping me up inside.  My body, heart and mind are absolutely exhausted and my body feels completely off kilter.

AND I choose it.  I choose growth, I choose more, I choose my next step, over and over and's the only way...for me, it is the only way for my life, myself and my body...  

For everyBody, it is the only way to move into what YOU want, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  It is the only way for growth and change and stepping into what's next and moving into what's next for you.  Many people don't choose it.  It's all a choice, how badly do u want it?  

Life moves as u move!!!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Love your Body. Love yourSelf. Love your Life.: Love your Life.

Love Your Life.  Do you love your life?  Do you even know what that means?  Do you know what that means for you?  It is literally different for everyone.  As different as each of our Bodies are, as different as each of our Authentic Selves are, it is different.

Now, my question is:  Is it truly possible to love your life if you are not comfortable and confident in your body and in your authentic self?  In my opinion, NO.   I have so many women come to meet with me and I have them really drop in and find what they want for themselves in their lives.  I would say close to 100% of them start to tell me what they want in their bodies:  to be stronger, to change their sugar addiction, to have less pain in their bodies, to feel like they CAN do the activities they want to do in their lives.  Our bodies are our vehicles for how our souls show up in our lives.  Period.  It is what we are physically put on this earth in and the Body, Mind and Soul/Authentic Self are absolutely co-existent, they cannot be separated, period.  Movement, posture, how we take care of our bodies, etc., is a reflection of how we feel about ourselves. 

What do you really want in your life?  The fastest path to a great life is through your body.  Change your relationship to your body, change your life.  Get down to the CORE of all of you:  Body, Mind, Soul and HAVE it all for yourself! 

We have to have self-love and self-acceptance for our bodies and our authentic selves to have that down to our core, in every cell, every part of us...every part of our life. Self-love and self-acceptance looks and feels different for everyone.  Choosing in every second, every instance, every piece of our lives what is best for us in that particular situation can change and very often SHOULD.  Staying fluid, staying open, listening, sensing, being vulnerable and absolutely being fierce with our needs and wants is crucial to the journey and into truly loving our lives...bodies...authentic selves...

What do you want?  Do you know?  I would be honored to help you on your journey to finding it and even more so to witness you stepping into EMBODYING and LIVING it! 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Love your Body. Love yourSelf. Love your Life.: Love yourSelf.

I feel like there is so much misunderstanding around what it is to really love and take care of yourself.

Loving yourself is and respecting and honoring yourself.  Definition of Respecting:  Feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities or achievements.
Definition of Honoring:  Regard with great respect.  Fulfilling an obligation or keeping an agreement. 

1)  Do you respect yourself?  Do you have deep admiration for yourself?  Do you recognize your awesome abilities, qualities or achievements?  We all have things that are fundamental gifts for us to share with the world.  Have you recognized yours for your own amazingness to give to the world?  Have you seen and witnessed your own unique qualities that make you you?  We are all way too hard on ourselves and other people will often see our amazingness and give us so much credit but we don't give it to ourselves at all!  Can you sit down and recognize your achievements or is it challenging for you to even look past your criticism of yourself to see the beauty in you life and yourself?  Think about these things...tell yourself the truth and start to really move into the respect and love of yourself...

2)  Do you Honor yourself?  Do you regard and TREAT yourself with great respect?  Do you have deep admiration for yourself, just for being yourself?  If not, why not?  You deserve it!  You are amazing and beautiful, just as you are!  Know it, own it, love it!  Do you fulfill obligations and agreements that you have made for yourself with yourself?  Do you plan to go do something for you and then you back out and do something for someone else instead?  Why?  Don't you matter just as much as they do?  Maybe more...also...keeping agreements with yourself makes you more in integrity and more reliable energetically, which is really what we all want to portray in the world when we go help them anyway...

Love yourSelf.  Take care of your Spirit and Soul.  Take care of your Body, what our Souls show up in in this life and how we express ourselves and what we feel and think about ourselves in this life...Love all of you:  "the good, the bad and the ugly".  We all come into this life with gifts and challenges and most often, our biggest challenges are are our biggest gifts...Love it all, own it all, BE it all!  You already are anyway, so embrace it and wear it proudly!  Embodied Confidence!  You CAN do it!  Know you can!  Let me know if I can help you.  I am here to serve...

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Love your Body. Love yourSelf. Love your Life.: Love your Body.

Love your Body.   Love yourSelf.  Love your Life.

I have been developing and refining my business and my own stand alone brand for the last 3 years. I can tell you, it is quite a journey and it's not for the faint of heart. There are many many times along the way that I wanted to give up...I wanted a break...I wanted some help...I didn't want to do it any more, in any way shape or form, any-more. Having and developing ones own business and personality brand is a 24/7 job and one doesn't get a break.

It's a constant: refining of my message (within myself and in the world at large), learning of new things that I had no idea how to do previously, pushing of my edges, continuous noticing of what I'm doing...all of my interactions with I can improve personally and professionally...what I need to shift and what's really not mine to begin unending challenging of my comfort zones and rewiring of long entrenched beliefs and old stuff in my way.

Along the way, I have learned literally countless things.

One big learning and embodying I've gained is the understanding of one of my Tag lines: Love your Body. Love yourSelf. Love your Life. I have come to understand that there is this absolute delicate balance with this piece for all of us. Let's take each piece of this statement and explore...

Love your Body. I feel there is a big disconnect with what this means for many many people. I have noticed the association with this reference is to just let ones body be, no matter how healthy and fit it is in general. NOW, my evolved understanding of this is that while it is not necessarily about the size or weight of someone's body, it is absolutely the journey and self-expression of what makes one feel great in one's body.

1) It is imperative that we exercise and move our bodies to be healthy. For some people, this is cross-fit...for some it is dancing...for some running marathons...for some it is pilates. Learning what is best for you is loving YOUR body.

2) It is imperative that we find what works best for us in our eating choices. for some people this is Paleo...for some it is whole grains and lots of veggies...for some it is doing a diet and body cleanse whenever they are feeling that they need to. There is no one way for everyBody and intuitively finding what your body craves to be at it's optimum best is you loving YOUR body.

3) It is imperative that you come to know when u need a break and when other people are projecting their beliefs about you and how you do your life (which are actually a direct reflection of their own beliefs about themselves in some way) onto you. (believe me, I have gotten really really good at this one! If I can help you discover this for yourself, please let me know!). Get really good at listening to your own knowing about when you just need to stop...when u need to slow down...when u need to go full on in every way...and if maybe in general, you and your body can just go and have more of a capacity for everything and lots of energy than someone else does...Or maybe you have less...

In conclusion, it's all about you becoming clear in listening to your Body. Become confident that it will not lie to you or steer you wrong if you listen and trust. The path to Embodied Confidence is getting really clear on knowing that you know: body, mind and soul.

Next week we will play with what it is to "Love yourSelf." Have fun developing what your own "Love your Body." is!