Thursday, August 6, 2015

Connection, Communion, Communication.

Connection.  Communion.  Communication.

    Connection with your Body, Mind and Spirit:  Self-Esteem and Self-Respect is crucial for our health and for us creating a life that ROCKS!  Connection to ourselves and our own responsibility for everything in our lives is essential for us becoming the quality of person that we want to be and for creating the life we want to create: Being aware of, feeling and sensing what’s going on within ourselves without fear, judgement or over-analyzation.
     Equally significant is the role of self-esteem in creating and maintaining a healthy body.  When we lack self-respect, our relationships with others are temporary and fragile states of intimacy because we can't share what we don't have!  We continually fear abandonment because the terror of being alone drives our actions and because we abandon ourselves all of the time, why won't someone else?  We continually fear abandonment because we don't feel good about ourselves and don't take of ourselves and our bodies, why would someone else take care of us?  Consciously developing and acknowledging a personal code of honor and good self-esteem is crucial to having a healthy body and a rockin life!  Connecting to, listening to and respecting our bodies is a key to changing our lives.

    Communion with your Body, Mind and Spirit:  listening to and acting on what’s needed to bring
you into balance and what getting what you need.  Truly starting an accepting dialogue with yourself and your body to find what works best for you and what your particular balance is.  Simply put, communion is honor.  When we violate our honor or compromise it in any way, we contaminate our spirits and physical bodies.  Integrity and honor are necessary for health.  They connect to all financial and creative activity.  Being able to find the way to truly take care of ourselves and create a life that rocks is absolutely creative and in turn, this usually will show up in our finances as well.  Communion is the power to act with integrity and honor within all of our relationships, from marriage to friendship to professional bonds to relationship with self. Everyone in our life plays a role essential to our development.  Our Challenge is to become mature enough to recognize and live by this truth.  We are spiritually driven to connect with the sacred within other people, as well as within ourselves.  Honoring ourselves and others is crucial and instrumental for our health in all ways.

     Communication between your Body, Mind and Spirit:  actualization of the realization that you have to truly show up for yourself in all ways and call yourself on your own shit and change it yourself to actually get ANYWHERE.  Personal Power-internal direction with the absence of outside forces.  Absolute self-love and respect.  Our bodies, minds and spirits need and REQUIRE love to survive and thrive.  We violate this when we act unlovingly towards others OR ourselves.  Not listening to and following our intuition is unloving to ourselves.  Not having our own personal power is unloving to ourselves.  We have to make a commitment to attend consciously to our own needs in order to love and accept others.  When the heart is not filled with the vital energies of love and harmony, no amount of money or power can keep it tranquil.  An empty heart causes an empty life, often resulting in illness/disease and always resulting in poor health.  It is a conscious expression of harmony to hopefully get the mind's attention.

     Having all three of these and employing them in our lives is the key to bringing whatever it is we want for ourselves into our lives...

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