Sunday, February 24, 2013

I knew it! Thank u for the confirmation!!

I knew it! Thank u for the confirmation!!

Every so often on a Sunday morning, I will happen upon a Joel Osteen broadcast. I did that this morning and what he was sharing stopped me dead in my tracks. Literally.

He was telling a story about a certain type of bamboo plant where the roots grow and flourish underground for 4 years and the plant doesn't really grow, at least nothing really appears to be happening. However, at the end of 4 years, the plant blooms and fast and is unbelievable in its growth!

He also told a biblical story about a woman who was gathering scraps and leftovers from a grain field/farm. The owner of the farm noticed her. He asked his workers to start leaving her grain to make it easy for her. They met and fell in love. She became his wife and thus became owner of the farm she had been gleaning scraps from. The lesson is that when u do your work, when you really do your work, your homework, whatever it takes, God will reward u with things BEYOND your imagination. People show up, often just one person shows up to help u get where u r going...situations are created...situations, projects, ideas, etc. that you have been working on manifest and manifest in ways that YOU never imagined possible.

I was laid off 4 years ago March 1st. 3/1/2009. I have been finding and creating real direction and focus in my business and in my life. I have been learning to navigate connections and relationships and networking. I have been learning what true, real personal power is then living and owning it in my life. I have been figuring out and creating my brand. I have been really owning and living what works for ME, TRULY JUST ME with eating and movement. I have been telling people, "Last year was about building relationships and connections. (the people who showed and, and I mean RANDOMLY AND OUT OF NOWHERE, as in running across parking lots to meet me because they had been manifesting meeting me and a maintenance man looking man happening to walk into the studio I was teaching and adopt me and completely help me in every way financially-including giving me a studio!). This year is about creating and doing whatever it takes to create my life and my brand and my business and the connection with my future business. Next year, it is just going to rock and roll and create, manifest and actualize! Woohoo!

Me happening upon Joel Osteen this morning was God/the Universe, whatever your word is, telling me I am right. This is exactly what is happening and I know it and I am right and on the right track and path. I love life.

Love your body. Love yourSelf. Love your life. Why do anything else? What good does that possibly do u?!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Are you willing to do whatever is needed to create what you want in your life?

My theme word for the year, as it came up New Year's Eve was WILLINGNESS.  What do I know?  Take it as it comes, flow with it, create within and with it, love, live, show up to the best of my ability, right here, right now.  Willingness, whatever it takes.

Are you willing to do whatever it takes to have the life you want to live?  To have the body you want to have?  To have the friendships you want to have, the primary relationship you want?  To create the work situation you desire?  Can you let go of your ideas and your control enough to allow things to actualize in your life?  If we hold on too tightly, we will choke any possibility of great things that we do not expect happening!  Often when I think I know something for sure, I am surprised.  It is put in my face over and over, what do I know?

When I am vulnerable and I take a chance... When I make a choice that empowers me and takes me closer, in some way, to what I am asking for in my life...when I let go and do my part to create what I want but I get out of the way and simply allow it to happen by staying focused and willing instead of trying to control and direct exactly what I think should happen, surprising and wonderful things/changes/results show up!

What are you keeping out of your life, Physically, Mentally, Emotionally or Spiritually?  What can you let go of that is keeping it out?  What can you invite in and ask for that will allow it to change?  Ask yourself, "Am I truly willing, truly willing to do what it takes to create what I truly want in my life, all ways, always?"