Sunday, November 18, 2012

What is the Greatest Lesson that you have had in the last year that you are thankful for?

What is the Greatest Lesson that you have had in the last year that you are thankful for?

I have had so many I can't even count.   Really.  My life looks, feels and is completely different than it was last year.  The amazing people who have come into my life, my life dreams, my possibilities, my relationships, almost everything, except I that I still live in my house and have my dogs, the best friends I have ever had in my life, Bella and Rocco.  I am ever so thankful they are with me and for the blessings they bring into my life, especially my angel girl, who I was terrified beyond imagination I would lose this past summer.  Her still being with me and completely rockin more than she has in years is DEFINITELY what I am most thankful for in my life, period.

As far as the greatest lesson in the last year that I am most thankful for, it has to be my finally, after literally a life of exploring, expanding and becoming more and more me, REALLY understanding in all of me, Body-Mind-Emotions-Spirit, what Personal Power really means.  Unexplainably HUGE for me and my growth.  Huge.

Power-such an absence of external restriction and limitation that it depends only upon the inward determination of the subject whether or not it will act.

Really?!  That's what it means?  That's why people have called me such a powerful girl and woman my whole life?  Oh my goodness.  Bam.  I got it.  It alchemically changed me.  Not long after, I decided that what I had thought was my life's dream was no longer my dream and not as big as I could imagine, or be!  Wow.

" Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now!". --Goethe

It is absolutely true.  When I had this realization of what personal power really means, my whole life revolutionalized.  Everything.  The people who came in to help me do things I had no idea I needed to do and get to places I had no idea I am going.  The dreams.  Where I do my work.  How I see my work.  How I See my life.  How I feel.  How I feel about, see, understand and get EVERYTHING in my life.  

I am eternally grateful to Harry Palmer, founder and creator of Avatar for creating this impeccable, powerful and direct definition.  It changes so much for me in every way that I can't even begin to express the Gratitude I have for it.  Truly understanding and owning your own personal power changes EVERYTHING.  Everything.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Body Mind Aligned

You are confined by the boundaries that you set yourself.  The mind creates the cage.  Set yourself free and move out of your comfort zone! ~Mhar

Our minds are a powerful force in our lives.  We run so many things through our minds that we don't even know we have running within us.

We store old memories in our minds.  We store beliefs we didn't know we have.  We have thoughts that we unconsciously operate from.  We have limitations we didn't know we had put on ourselves stored in our minds and our subconscious. When we start to unlock these and work with clearing things holding us back that we had no idea were even effecting us in any way, our lives, our bodies, everything, can change.

I work with people every day, through my one-on-one work with people and through all of my classes to challenge, honor, notice and either move through or better integrate all of the things that hold us back in many ways.

When we learn and shift something on a cellular level, we learn and shift It within our minds and ourselves.  When we shift it within ourselves, we most certainly will shift it within our lives.  

When was the last time you thought you couldn't do something but had no idea why you felt that way?  Did you listen to it to find out what the message was for you?  Did you brush it aside and do it anyway?  Did you just give up, regretting that you gave up, when you know you could have possibly done whatever it was, but you somehow unexplainably just gave up?

Next time, try it.  Do it anyway.  Ask questions.  Challenge yourself.  Know that you can or if you really can't, listen to yourself to find the reason and honor it, rather than just giving up.  Doing new things is just like working out, it takes new muscles, it takes getting stronger, it takes getting out of your comfort zone sometimes, but sometimes, just sometimes, maybe all of the time, it completely worth it in the end.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

To Be Present...what does that mean?

Presence:  full attention, awareness and participation in the moment.

We hear the concept of "Being Present" talked about a lot.  It can often have a "new-agey", non-substantive quality to it.  What does being present MEAN anyway?!  

When I got the above concept, it was huge for me!  It is SIMPLY having full attention, awareness and participation in a situation, but even greater, in everything I do in my life, every moment.  It is taking in every experience, every sensation in my body, every knowing within myself and my soul...simply being with and completely IN everything in my life.

So many times, so many of us are not present in any situation, much less everything in our life.  It is sometimes easier to remain closed up in a little is sometimes easier not to be vulnerable with others and completely care and connect with who they really are and to simply stay behind one's veil.  It is easier to not listen to your body's knowing, heeding it's aches and pains or to fully experience and feel what is being shared by it through sensations.  It is easier until it is not...continuing to live this way cheats you and it certainly cheats those in your life and in situations with you...

Love your Body.  It has many, many gifts and messages for you.  It in and of itself is a gift.  Take care of it.  Cherish it as sacred and special.  Honor and listen to it, it is the only one you will get and it is a gift to live in this earthsuit.

Love YourSelf.  You are unique and amazing and the only YOU there will ever be.  Celebrate it, don't move to shrink or hide or fade or fix it, b present and fully, absolutely, totally YOU.  

Love your Life.  Live in full attention, awareness and participate in everything you have created and been handed.  Why not?!  Why hold back?!  Why BE anything except completely, fully, lively IN your life?!