Sunday, October 21, 2012

Release, Repose, Reclaim

Release, Repose, Reclaim

Slow down.  Take care of me first.  Self-love and self-care.  My biggest lesson right now in my life.  My biggest lesson that was embedded deeply into me this weekend.

I Release the need to be doing, doing, doing and not BE-ing and Feeling.

I will Repose, rest, to give myself the genuine energy I need to create in my life, in myself and in my life.  To TRULY create, not to keep running and running and doing, the only rest being with collapse.

I Reclaim Me, in ALL of me, every aspect of me.

I did "Reclaiming Aphrodite" with Amrita Grace this weekend.  It was beautiful and nourishing and expansive and I just kept thinking, "This is how it is supposed to be.  This is how we are supposed to be together...this is how we are supposed to be!".  If anyone is ready to truly create the Release, Repose, Reclaim that I mention above, I highly recommend this workshop for softening into and trusting the Feminine within.

 We did the practice of Ah.  We practiced fully relaxing into the feminine and the Yin.  We sat in circle and reclaimed the space for ourselves and our sisters as a collective to BE.  To fully show up as we are, to bring our OWN particular gifts forward, whatever they may be, period.  I left Reaffirming the Intention I set on the Full moon:  relax into and slow down while remaining efficient and creating.  Patience.  But reaffirming in an even bigger, More expansive, more accepting, softer way.

I also more fully acknowledge that still afraid, TERRIFIED, in actuality, to fully show up and claim me as and in all that I REALLY am, as evidenced by the circling Yang I have had coming in and out of my life recently, showing up then disappearing, being present, not being present and completely checking out.  I will no longer sell myself short by "trying" to be open when I am, even subtlety, not really taking care of myself because I don't know what is coming.  Trust.

There it is again...Patience.  Trust.  The Yin energy is:  softening into what is, waiting, internal/inward energy, releasing, resting, taking care of and honoring self and others, being completely present to what is and what will be without expectation but simply attraction and drawing in by making a welcoming, loving space.  I want this more in my life.  I am going to have this more in my life.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

If you ask, are you REALLY ready for the answer?

As I sit here after a day of excitement, connecting and collaborating with three powerful men who have become collaborative partners for work I am putting together and co-creators in this life I am having come together all around me, getting my completely overhauled website up with some AMAZING teamwork with my website designer, and doing some of what is needed in my daily life just to keep it running, now I go to do my weekly blog.

I sit here with calm, centering "new-agey" music on and my iPad in hand.  I am completely at peace.  I am happy with where my life is going and what is showing up.  I am ecstatic that the principles I, and spiritual teachers forever down the line have taught, are real and actualizing all around me in a BIG way.  I am in awe that once I let go of what I thought I really wanted, all manner of unseen forces went to work and people, events, chance happenings, random connections became indescribably intense and frequent and even more purposeful than EVER before, and EVERYTHING in my life has always fit one thing into the next, this into that, all a connected flow...

This last month has been huge for me.  I started it with cleaning out my diet completely.  At that time, I made a conscious choice that this month was going to be about me and my growth and the growth of my business.  I was letting go of anything that no longer serves me.  I have to say, what has transpired has been nothing short of awe-inspiring.  

I have a new relationship with my body:  really dropping into loving her on a deeper, more profound level than I have experienced before, with my choices, with the ways she feels and senses and carries me through life.  I have a new relationship with food:  for the first time in my life, I really feel like I have a good one, after years of huge, tormenting struggles.  I have a new relationship with what I will and won't accept in my life:  learned the same lesson many times, but each time a new piece and different nuance of it.  So many things feel like they have shifted, after many years of "work" and introspection and frustration and learning.  I simply had to let go of my steadfast belief in what I thought I wanted.  Really and truly let it go, on a profound, even down to the subconscious level.  I got another piece of it this week, in a different way.  I can't wait to see what happens next!

Ask yourself, and only if you are ready and able to REALLY receive the answer-because if you aren't, you won't get a real answer-what you need to release to bring in the new, the improved, the even bigger than you imagined.  What else is possible?  How can it get any better than this?  Ask the question then wait for the answer.  You will know it when it comes up.  You will sense it in your Body.  You will feel it in your Soul.