Thursday, November 27, 2014

Feelings and Gratitude...

SO it's Thanksgiving 2014. 

WOW.  As I sit here and organize my home (which I never have time for!), I'm torn about how I feel about that. 

On the one hand, I am SO thankful for everything that is in my Life and has come into it this year.  I've had:  this year be a big rebuilding after the complete devastation of 2013; a big jump in my growth of living from trust and confidence in myself, the universe and my path; an amazing best girl friend who supports me and believes in me beyond ALL reason and literally more than anyone has in my life; a strong, supportive man who has helped me step into all that I am and into me getting very clear about my message in so many ways, as well as helped me grow my business; 2 wonderful visits home to be with my family whom I adore; the support of a community of very powerful and loving people; finding and joining a new organization that will help me grow personally and my business exponentially; so many people on my team helping me with the things I don't have time for or that my brain just doesn't function to do; my boy dog and I have formed a new bond after my girl dog died; so many awesome people I'm working with in Joint Ventures to create inspiring programming; getting many old mistakes and unneeded and energy sucking drama cleared out of my life; knowing, seeing that it is all coming together and glimpsing how, even if it's not completely in focus and here yet...

On the other hand, I miss my family and have had tremendous heart-break, loss and lessons in my life this year:  I just lost a very dear person in my life and my heart is so tender from this; I have had a manipulative, controlling man trying to control me with everything he has, creating lots of drama in my life just by his energetic presence in it and really hitting me where it hurts the deepest in order to try to damage control the ruining of his "reputation" because I see him for who he truly is and I won't tolerate it; this year has been hard in so many ways and I have learned to be humble so many times; I've had to learn time and time again to live by the Four Agreements; I have had to make difficult decisions financially; finances have been beyond challenging; I've had to put on my big girl panties over and over and just move forward in every way. 

Life moves as you move.   

My message here?  It's ALL valid, my friends. 
The saddest thing of all is sadness, when it is unfelt, neglected, unmet, rejected. Sorrow, without a home, is truly sorrowful to behold.
We get angry at ourselves for feeling anger. We fear fear, its intensity, its immediacy, its imagined power to overwhelm.
It’s confusing to attempt to not feel confusion when confusion is burning in us. The most frustrating thing of all is trying to make frustration disappear immediately, desiring the absence of desire.
Our greatest pain is our resistance to pain, the refusal of the living fact of pain; our unwillingness to stare life in the face, unblinking.
Only a thought would say, “this thought shouldn’t be here”. Only an imagined mind would want to be “free from mind”. Only the ego would want to go beyond ego.
Taste raw life directly, without judgement, or judgement of judgement of judgement. Or, allow all judgement, even judgement of all judgement.
Our experience is always reflective. But the Heart is forever open.
– Jeff Foster

Feel it all.  Be grateful for it all.  Be it is all a part of us, we cannot seperate ourselves from our feelings, any more than we can separate our hearts from our bodies...and why would we want to?

Where in your life so you hold yourself back from growth and change, from getting what you really want, from being all that you can be, from fully stepping into Your BEST you in every way you can be?  I encourage to not.  Live full-out my friends.  I strive to every single day.  Every single minute.  I challenge myself in every second and I am super grateful that I have embraced this.  Live full out.  Why not? 

"I want it to say, 'All used up" on my gravestone."  Larry Winget.
Don't you!? 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Surrender-The Ultimate Feminine

First, I wanted to share the most powerful tool that we have in our lives to bringing in and creating the biggest and best lives possible as well as to really create not only what we desire, but what our soul is longing to create in our lives, for us:

Surrender: to yield power; to return, restore or resign. Yield to a higher power, a higher knowing within yourself.

Give up resistance and get out of your own way.

Relinquish control of your logical mind. Are you limiting yourself to what appears to be logical? Don't let your ego interfere with being open to your intuitive self. Take time to release old belief systems and self-inflicted limitations and welcome new possibilities.

Free yourself by turning loose any worries or fears that may be holding you back. Release them to the Universe.

Give up control. Move away from Judgements or expectations, and limitations will be removed. Don't push too hard. Let go and place faith in Spirit.

Can you accept the fear that comes at the edge of the unknown? Are you prepared to take the risk? New directions are often revealed just when you're most scared and most in need of them.

It is through surrender that you will be provided with a rendering of the splendid adventure ahead.

Second, I just want to draw the parallel of true Surrender in our lives with stepping into The Yin, the Feminine Energetic aspect of us all: the sacred, the Feminine (self and connection with others) loving and appreciating all of you and receiving; holding space for, allowing, softening, setting/honoring boundaries from the space of Love and being Centered and Embodied from this true place of Power. The Feminine is simply the
Energetic of going within, the turning inward while sensing, knowing and being guided from within...the turning inward...

The Sacred Feminine is not only vulnerable, tender, nourishing, cherishing, patient and sweet-hearted, but also ferocious, prophetic and brave. She is not afraid to stand firmly, even fight for, what she wants and believes in, but she also inherently listens to and knows the path of least resistance, that of the “all that is” and can instinctively go with the flow for the greater good. holding space, waiting, soft, centered, grounded, open. Being the fullness and majesty that you truly are, healing the wounds and kinks in your heart so that you can heal others, owning your full space in the world and showing your sisters the way.

Step into All of you. Allow. Create. Listen. Know. Find wonder and fascination. Believe and Live in’s much more fun...

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Ordinary or extraordinary? Your choice.

Life will never ask you to do everything it takes.  Life will always ask u to do everything u r willing to do.-Larry  Winget

The greatest thing u can ever achieve in your life is excellence.  It's easy to be ordinary.  There's lots of ordinary put there; ordinary settles for the comfortable and safe.  It takes willingness, hunger and openness to achieve Extraordinary.  To get to extraordinary and excellence, you have to REALLY want it and you have to have the COMMITMENT to get there, period.

Mastery is about repetition, it's about banging on your craft.  It's about having a goal, a vision, a burning desire and crafting a path and a plan to get there.  Period.  Creativity and innovation are required in creating all of these and Whether its creating a new business, changing your body, changing your life, changing your business or interpersonal relationships...getting ANYTHING you want In your requires commitment, determination, a plan and focus to bring them into reality in this dimension.

Ready, Willing and Able:   The only thing that stands between u and what u want is what u r willing to do.  Dreams do not come true.  Plans come true. -Larry Winget

Everyone says they are ready.  Everyone is absolutely able.  Not everyone is willing.  Do you have the willingness to stay with it and get it done?  Do you have the willingness to do whatever it takes to get where you want to go?  Are you WILLING to do whatever it takes?

Willingness is vulnerability.  Vulnerability is knowing and admitting that you don't know everything.  Vulnerability with willingness, now that can change the world!  Catch there is...all we have direct control of is ourselves.  We change the world changing person at a time...

Just think, if we all commit, If we are all willing, If we all come from the space of total vulnerability and  Think how amazing and AMAZING we would all be.  Think how amazing...beyond amazing the world would be.

It all starts with us...ourselves.  So, I know you are ready.  I know you are able.  Join me in committing all if it for yourself!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Feminine Power in Movement

Feminine Power in Movement

The Feminine, at it's very very simplest essence, is inward energy. The Yin Energy is the piece of us that knows, feels, flows, takes care of us and those closest to us. It is holding space, waiting, soft, centered, grounded, open and being the fullness and majesty that you truly are.

It is healing the wounds and kinks in your heart so that you can heal others, owning your full space in the world and showing your sisters the way.

Feminine power in movement is: moving your body from it's intrinsic core, from your knowing what your body needs, from and for what works for your body and not, from what is honoring you and challenging you and the balance of pushing that edge while respecting yourself (your body, your fears and yourSelf).  It is NOT letting yourself off the hook, not doing, giving or getting your fact, it is the opposite. 

The Sacred Feminine is not only tender, nourishing, cherishing, patient and sweet-hearted, but also ferocious, prophetic, brave and will shout and bang on the table like a wild lioness towards anyone or anything that threatens the emotional, physical and psychological health of people and the world.

Do you move from this true place of honoring yourself and your body when doing your exercise and movement program? Do you come from the place of force and expecting yourself to just be able to do something that you and/or your body just can't yet? Moving from the place of force and unrealistic won't truly change anything...moving from the place of honor and working with and connection just might change EVERYTHING.