Sunday, October 21, 2012

Release, Repose, Reclaim

Release, Repose, Reclaim

Slow down.  Take care of me first.  Self-love and self-care.  My biggest lesson right now in my life.  My biggest lesson that was embedded deeply into me this weekend.

I Release the need to be doing, doing, doing and not BE-ing and Feeling.

I will Repose, rest, to give myself the genuine energy I need to create in my life, in myself and in my life.  To TRULY create, not to keep running and running and doing, the only rest being with collapse.

I Reclaim Me, in ALL of me, every aspect of me.

I did "Reclaiming Aphrodite" with Amrita Grace this weekend.  It was beautiful and nourishing and expansive and I just kept thinking, "This is how it is supposed to be.  This is how we are supposed to be together...this is how we are supposed to be!".  If anyone is ready to truly create the Release, Repose, Reclaim that I mention above, I highly recommend this workshop for softening into and trusting the Feminine within.

 We did the practice of Ah.  We practiced fully relaxing into the feminine and the Yin.  We sat in circle and reclaimed the space for ourselves and our sisters as a collective to BE.  To fully show up as we are, to bring our OWN particular gifts forward, whatever they may be, period.  I left Reaffirming the Intention I set on the Full moon:  relax into and slow down while remaining efficient and creating.  Patience.  But reaffirming in an even bigger, More expansive, more accepting, softer way.

I also more fully acknowledge that still afraid, TERRIFIED, in actuality, to fully show up and claim me as and in all that I REALLY am, as evidenced by the circling Yang I have had coming in and out of my life recently, showing up then disappearing, being present, not being present and completely checking out.  I will no longer sell myself short by "trying" to be open when I am, even subtlety, not really taking care of myself because I don't know what is coming.  Trust.

There it is again...Patience.  Trust.  The Yin energy is:  softening into what is, waiting, internal/inward energy, releasing, resting, taking care of and honoring self and others, being completely present to what is and what will be without expectation but simply attraction and drawing in by making a welcoming, loving space.  I want this more in my life.  I am going to have this more in my life.

1 comment:

  1. Right On! I love how you are allowing the veil to come down and expressing your honesty in this blog! The 'terrified' feeling of showing up fully. The patience and trusting that are being questioned. I appreciate how you are going to slow down and energize more by honoring your yin. Which will create more clarity for the Yang and how circling and coming and going are unexpectable in your loving space. No expectations, no attachments to outcome. Beautiful sister friend. I appauld you and appreciate that as you take care of take care of me too! AND with that I show my gratitude to you; as I venture off onto my committement of LOVING MYSELF FIRST, by taking care of my physical vessel. You have 'reminded' me (as sister do!)of the importance of this. I myself have not been slowing down AND actually feeling overwhelmed by ALL there 'is to do' rather than the knowing of just BEING! Such a different feeling in the two! The feeling is in my body! Therefore, I will be incorporating with my spiritual practice my physical spiritual practice of evening yoga and morning with my circular breathe to reenergize after what seems to be restless sleep with all the shape shifting into higher vibrations. Patience and trust indeed. I too will be creating loving space in this flow of magic. Lets continue to Release, Repose and Reclaim! Infinite Love and Blessings to you!
