Sunday, May 17, 2015

Your Roadmap to More Money in your Life, Success with Clients and JOY in Your Life

Unlock Your Success: How to Move to Having More Money in your

 Business, Success with Clients and Joy in Your Life

  Your Posture and how Present you are in your Body communicates

to the world who you are and how you feel about yourself. How

much better would your life be if you spent more time completely

present? What could you create for yourself, your body, your life,

your business and your money flow? 

There are a few things that keep most of us disconnected from

having all of this and 3 must haves that will change the course of

everything if you implement them.

Close your eyes. Check in with yourself. Notice how you feel right

now: physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. Right here, right

now. Come up with maybe 2 words to describe it. Write it down.

Now, sit up really tall, head over chest over pelvis and feel your butt

sitting on the chair. Take a deep breath. So think back to how you

felt when you were just closing your eyes. Notice how you feel right

now. 2 Words. Write that down. How Does it feel different? 

Write that down.

Your posture and how PRESENT you are in your body

communicates who you are and how you feel about yourself with

everyone you meet. So another question for you: What IS Presence?

How do YOU define Presence? “It is a grounding and harmony in

this very moment; it is a physical alertness, emotional acceptance, a

spiritual awaereness and union with what is in front of us in the here

and now; it is vital consciousness to who we are and what we are

sensing; it is a mindfulness to what it meaningful.” 

How much better would your life be if you spent more time

completely present and taking care of yourself and your body in all

ways? How much better would your life be if you spent more time in

this second state?

What could you create for Yourself, Your Body, Your Life, Your

Business, your Money Flows!? 

Now, pick one thing that you want to change. It can be in your body,

your life, your relationships, your business...just one thing. Write it

down cuz if u don't write it down, it's just a wish! What could you

change in 30 days? 90? 180?

This 4 part series will give you the key to what is keeping you

disconnected from more money in your business, more success

with your clients and in many ways, everything in your life, as well as

the 3 must haves that will empower you to create this thing you just

identified for yourself and change the course of your business if you

implement them.

What I talk about and empower clients to do is very different than 

anything else you are going to hear about and I dare say very

different than anything ANYBODY else will teach you to do.  There

are an endless number of people out there telling you to "love

yourself and your body".  I HAVE DISCOVERED MANY PEOPLE

DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!  How can you be expected to

just DO something you have no idea how to do or what it even


I teach you what this really means and HOW to be and do it and to

MOVE your body in ways and A way that YOUR body needs, even

in that ONE second, and no other time!  THAT is what is going to 

change your body and your life, playing and working with what IS,

not fighting it and looking for ways or A way outside of you that

doesn't work for you OR your Body!  Stay tuned, I can't wait to

share all of this with you!

Much Love  xoxoxo

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