Friday, September 11, 2015

Confidence in Sales and Business is an In-Your Body Experience

We all hear the speech and business coaches say that it is imperative for us to be Present, Completely in the Room and In Our Bodies when we are speaking, working with a business deal or doing a sales call. It's ABSOLUTELY TRUE! There's just one big problem...most people have no idea what that actually means! Just like "working out" people think they should inherently know how to be in their bodies, but neither one is actually "common sense" or "normal" for most people because we have had the intellectual and logical emphasized our entire lives and our bodies have gotten completely ignored. Learn some super simple tricks to finding this Comfortable and Confident place for yourself: Mind, Heart and Soul...IN YOUR BODY! Believe and Embody that you can and you can!

Most people know There's a disconnect in there that is stopping them from having what they desire in their lives, completely showing up full on and/or from feeling better in their bodies. It is absolutely true that we have everything within ourselves and that we always know what we know, we just often don't trust what we get within ourselves, much less within our bodies, because we have the misconception that they have betrayed us in some way! When you uncover the disconnect, connect fully to what's stopping you, admit that your body has not betrayed you at all, it has only been responding to you and your life, and discreate the obstacles in your way, whew! That is when you unleash the magic that you have shut down inside of you! So many people are not truly willing to do whatever it takes to bring in what they truly desire for themselves...uncovering this unleashed magic and playing with it creates some serious rock and roll in your life!

NOW is when you are Coming from a confident and sure authentic place because you will be connected to your true core self! True Embodied Confidence: healing your body and body's movement however that needs to happen, taking care of yourself and your body on body-mind-emotion-soul levels, being willing to get real and vulnerable with yourself to unlock and discreate what's stopping you, to be real and vulnerable with others to truly show up for YOURSELF and rock your life!!

What's blocking you from your success? What's stopping you from unleashing your magic and rocking your life like you REALLY want to?!

Think about it. Feel into it. Let me know how I can help you find your magic key...

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