Monday, February 29, 2016

What the heck is being grounded, anyway?

    1. Not Being Grounded.

      Do you ever feel like you are going a million directions at once and you have no idea which one to go with? Are you always searching outside of yourself for the right answer? Do you feel like someone looking from the inside out at your life who doesn't really have much control? Do you feel like you don't have much say in what is going on and where you are going? Conversely, do you notice that you have to have an iron fist grip of control on everything outside of you while you are completely out of control inside? Those are examples of not being grounded. Do any of them resonate? 

      What the heck IS being grounded, anyway?! We hear this word thrown around SO much in SO many different circles and in SO many different ways. It's really not as airy-fairy as you've been led to believe. Shall I tell you the absolute bottom-line secret sauce of what being grounded is? It is “completely inhabiting your body as well as being confident and sensible, because you like yourself and you know what is important in life, most importantly, YOUR life”. Boom. That's it. The question is, do you have any idea HOW to be and do this? Have you tried many thingsunsuccessfully, hoping that they would be your magic grounding potion? Do you want to act like you can figure this out for yourself and inside you know that nothing you try outside of you works? How do you know if you CAN do it yourself? 

      I know for myself, I would not have found my key to Captivating PresenceTM without several mentors and brilliant coaches guiding me along the way. It is crucial to have these people in our lives to help us unlock things we don't know how to access. Whatever path you take to finding this magic for yourself, keep in mind that there is a certain magic, beauty and strength in asking for help. That said, listening to your knowing in choosing the best direction as well as who will help you change is the first step. 

    Another crucial aspect of being grounded is owning confidence for yourself. We are defining being grounded as “completely inhabiting your body as well as being confident and sensible, because you like yourself and you know what is important in life, most importantly,
    YOUR life.” 

    The word confidence is even in the definition of
    grounded. Confidence is the OPPOSITE of arrogance. Self
    confidence originates in your conscious and sub-conscious beliefs
    about yourself. It's a belief in your Abilities. It's your level of 
    self-trust. Arrogance is an offensive display of perceived superiority. 
    When you're confident, testosterone levels rise and cortisol levels fall.
    This physiological fact reinforces our confidence by rewiring our brain,
    body and innate confidence. Another physiological fact is that 
    everything we think and feel about ourselves shows up in our bodies 
    and how we are Being. Open vs. Closed Body Postures and
    Movements are a dead give away of how Confident we are in ourselves.

    I work with people to rewire this brain-body connection for themselves
    and create Captivating PresenceTM and Embodied ConfidenceTM
    that shines through in every situation. Everything is magnified when
    you are speaking to audiences and this is what will make or break your
    performance onstage. 

    If you've been struggling with the same self-sabotaging behaviors keeping you from the things you yearn for: the answer isn't just in your attitudes...OR your's in your body. It's in how grounded you are.  In the next few weeks, you will be hearing a lot about a program that can show you the way to unlock what's stopping you and get you super grounded and rockin your life!

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