Sunday, January 11, 2015

Love your Body. Love yourSelf. Love your Life.: Love yourSelf.

I feel like there is so much misunderstanding around what it is to really love and take care of yourself.

Loving yourself is and respecting and honoring yourself.  Definition of Respecting:  Feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities or achievements.
Definition of Honoring:  Regard with great respect.  Fulfilling an obligation or keeping an agreement. 

1)  Do you respect yourself?  Do you have deep admiration for yourself?  Do you recognize your awesome abilities, qualities or achievements?  We all have things that are fundamental gifts for us to share with the world.  Have you recognized yours for your own amazingness to give to the world?  Have you seen and witnessed your own unique qualities that make you you?  We are all way too hard on ourselves and other people will often see our amazingness and give us so much credit but we don't give it to ourselves at all!  Can you sit down and recognize your achievements or is it challenging for you to even look past your criticism of yourself to see the beauty in you life and yourself?  Think about these things...tell yourself the truth and start to really move into the respect and love of yourself...

2)  Do you Honor yourself?  Do you regard and TREAT yourself with great respect?  Do you have deep admiration for yourself, just for being yourself?  If not, why not?  You deserve it!  You are amazing and beautiful, just as you are!  Know it, own it, love it!  Do you fulfill obligations and agreements that you have made for yourself with yourself?  Do you plan to go do something for you and then you back out and do something for someone else instead?  Why?  Don't you matter just as much as they do?  Maybe more...also...keeping agreements with yourself makes you more in integrity and more reliable energetically, which is really what we all want to portray in the world when we go help them anyway...

Love yourSelf.  Take care of your Spirit and Soul.  Take care of your Body, what our Souls show up in in this life and how we express ourselves and what we feel and think about ourselves in this life...Love all of you:  "the good, the bad and the ugly".  We all come into this life with gifts and challenges and most often, our biggest challenges are are our biggest gifts...Love it all, own it all, BE it all!  You already are anyway, so embrace it and wear it proudly!  Embodied Confidence!  You CAN do it!  Know you can!  Let me know if I can help you.  I am here to serve...

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