Saturday, January 17, 2015

Love your Body. Love yourSelf. Love your Life.: Love your Life.

Love Your Life.  Do you love your life?  Do you even know what that means?  Do you know what that means for you?  It is literally different for everyone.  As different as each of our Bodies are, as different as each of our Authentic Selves are, it is different.

Now, my question is:  Is it truly possible to love your life if you are not comfortable and confident in your body and in your authentic self?  In my opinion, NO.   I have so many women come to meet with me and I have them really drop in and find what they want for themselves in their lives.  I would say close to 100% of them start to tell me what they want in their bodies:  to be stronger, to change their sugar addiction, to have less pain in their bodies, to feel like they CAN do the activities they want to do in their lives.  Our bodies are our vehicles for how our souls show up in our lives.  Period.  It is what we are physically put on this earth in and the Body, Mind and Soul/Authentic Self are absolutely co-existent, they cannot be separated, period.  Movement, posture, how we take care of our bodies, etc., is a reflection of how we feel about ourselves. 

What do you really want in your life?  The fastest path to a great life is through your body.  Change your relationship to your body, change your life.  Get down to the CORE of all of you:  Body, Mind, Soul and HAVE it all for yourself! 

We have to have self-love and self-acceptance for our bodies and our authentic selves to have that down to our core, in every cell, every part of us...every part of our life. Self-love and self-acceptance looks and feels different for everyone.  Choosing in every second, every instance, every piece of our lives what is best for us in that particular situation can change and very often SHOULD.  Staying fluid, staying open, listening, sensing, being vulnerable and absolutely being fierce with our needs and wants is crucial to the journey and into truly loving our lives...bodies...authentic selves...

What do you want?  Do you know?  I would be honored to help you on your journey to finding it and even more so to witness you stepping into EMBODYING and LIVING it! 

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