Sunday, July 29, 2012


"Don't get confused between what people say you are and who you KNOW you are."-Oprah Winfrey I just recently made the decision to step away from a dream that has been my life dream for 16 years.  It came as somewhat of a shock to me when the awareness that it might not fit anymore literally just popped into my consciousness one day during a Nia class.  It came a day after I spent the entire day working on power...the definition of power...what I believe my power to be...what I really want and believe. It was just not flowing...I had issue after issue pop up in my quest for it.  It didn't feel light anymore, it completely felt heavy and like work.  In my Nia practice, I have learned, and I teach my students and clients to, listen to their body sensations, their thoughts, their feelings and what one's spirit really wants! I now understand that everything evolves, everything, always, all ways.  I now understand that me holding onto that goal was also keeping me small...keeping me in my box. When I decided to let it go, so many things that had been swirling around me, undefined, became defined and started to manifest rapidly.  All I have been able to do is stand in the middle of my Creation and simply listen to and follow what I'm feeling and where I'm being directed. I've also had many amazing, wonderful people show up in my life to support me, guide me, listen to me, assist me in so many beautiful ways it's simply astounding. Don't ever give your power away saying, "I don't know.".  You always know.  It is always there.  You always have the answer.  Allow.  Embrace.  Listen.  Own yourSelf and your own Personal Power.  It is always there, all ways, simply waiting for you to notice, to acknowledge, to be you for you, not for anyone else or for what someone else's idea of you or what you are supposed to be or do is...