Sunday, July 22, 2012


What do I write about this week?  What else is there with the unspeakable, unimaginable horror and tragedy that has encompassed our state this week?  How can a human being, patterned after love and internally coded for finding balance and living from love do such an unspeakable, unimaginably horrible act?   The world, people, the universe and everything in it are coded for finding balance and contain within it Yin and Yang.  Love and Fear.  Light and darkness.  Love and hate.  Strength and weakness.  Focus and disorientation.   God and evil. Fear, Darkness, Disorientation, Hate, Weakness, Evil.   It would seem these terrible states won this week, but have they?  The Human Spirit always seems to shine in horrible instances such as this.  People always band together, send out love, support, strength and grace.  It is being exemplified now as well. I have no words of tremendous wisdom.  No profound words of how to make sense of the senseless.   I watch and wait, stunned, just like everybody else.  I send out love and support and hope to the souls of those taken in this unimaginable tragedy, the people that are healing and waiting in hospitals or at home from wounds sustained in the incident and for the families of all of these people... I hold space for healing.  I hold space for the greatness that is within every being.  I hold space for the light and love that is within all of us...


  1. There are many scientific and spiritual explanations that will answer why this is so. The ancients knew why things happen like this. Those of us who are awakening are beginning to understand and remember the nature of our divine connection and the reason for the separation that has taught us to discount or forget our true nature.
    This individual was acting upon his impulse, driven by the mirrors of collective consciousness to show us what we are judging in that moment and to bring us all together in compassion. In that, I say he's done well.

    1. Agreed. Archetypal, around since the beginning humanity and possibly forever more...maybe...unless we can shift this train..

  2. My Dear, in my mind your words are profound. You question, your mind is open and you love. What more could the Universe ask of you with such an event? I love you dearly and your heart. Keep giving and our World will one day wake up to its amazingness, just as you have (: xo

    1. Love is always the answer, in all of it's forms and manifestations. Thank you for your words and for your support. I am here with your assistance, encouragement and gentle push as well as guidance with how.

  3. I love you Tracy...... your wisdom and compassion expressed so beautifully here, reflect the expansiveness that is you! Thank you!


    1. Thank u Lu. I love you. Thank you for commenting and for your support.
