Saturday, July 7, 2012


This week we celebrated "Independence Day".  It made me start thinking about just how free all of us really are.   So many of us are slaves to so many different things:  our habits, our beliefs,  our jobs, other peoples' demands on us, our demands on ourselves, our pasts...on & on... Where does it end?  When do we start our lives?  Our selves? When do we get to find what we really want & what works for us?  Further more, how do we even begin? We begin with a desire, an intention, to find what we really want, who we really are, how we want to live our best lives!  Then, it takes stepping out of our comfort zone to find our own real magic.  There will be trials, missteps, experiments, fun, happiness, pain, trust, doubt...everything we could possible experience.  All of it is crucial for growth, to create our best selves, to create our best lives.  All of it.  It's crucial to get a higher fitness level; in order to get stronger, have more stamina, lose weight, change your physical body in any way, you have to challenge yourself.  It's crucial to get a higher level of emotional awareness; in order to become more aware and loving and able to connect with others, you have to have moments of pain and moments of unexplainable connection as well as understanding.  It's crucial to get a higher level of mental ability; you have to read and learn and experiment and question and change what you already know.  It's crucial to grow spiritually; in short, if you always do what you've always done, you will always get what you've always gotten, period.  What do you really want? How badly do you want it?  How much do you just know in your body and your intuition there's more for you?  FreeDance, change your route you  walk every day, seek out new experiences and new people, read, explore, seek, allow, listen, feel and sense!  Don't  allow fear to stop you from finding this for yourself.  You owe it to youself.  Fearless.  Lovefull!  Embrace, express and love you:  Body, Mind, Emotion and Spirit.  You will never regret connecting to your true, innate birthright of FREEDOM!

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