Sunday, September 9, 2012

Cleaning out the gunk

I've been doing a dietary cleanse for the last two weeks.  I just felt like my body was getting really heavy, was getting too full of gunk.  

I've had so much happening lately and I just felt like it was all sitting in my body, like my body was holding onto so much and something needed to change.  

I had been eating too much and drinking too much wine since Bella was diagnosed with Mass cells in a fatty tumor on her chest.  I have cut out wine, carbs, sugar, dairy and fat and I feel so amazing.  My body feels lighter and I am much more clear.  I am doing it for 3 weeks and I might do longer.  I will see how I feel in another week.

I am working on so much in my life, I have so much evolving and I feel like I am making decisions and choices from a very clear, all me place now.  I made the choice to make this time all about me, my business and my growth, which are actually all the same thing in different reflections.

What we do with and in our bodies effects and reflects in everything in our lives.  Take care of it, find your balance, listen to it, give it lots of movement in many different ways, pay attention to what your body is telling u.  
Everything is always a choice.  You choose.  You decide.  Make good choices for your health:  body, mind, emotions and spirit.
Love your Body.  Love yourSelf.  Love your Life.


  1. im doing a nutritional based cleanse too! just started...elimination of the junk 1 day at a time ..they say full moon is when all the bugs in the body come into full effect...think about reinacting the cleanse at the end of the month too....(full moon i think the 30th)

    1. How's it going Jess? So good to dance w u Wed. Come again soon!
