Sunday, September 22, 2013

So how is YOUR posture?

So how is YOUR posture?

I have SO many people tell me their posture is horrible and they want to improve it. Hmmmmmmm, funny thing, I specialize in helping people improve their posture, decrease back pain, and change their bodies in many many ways with awareness and targeted corrective movement.

Not to mention that your body language, (posture being the biggest, most obvious and seen part of body language) communicates so much about you to anyone who sees you. We unconsciously or even consciously form opinions about people from what we see, good or bad.

So Y pay attention to posture and body language? Who cares what other people think about you, right? You know who u are and you like you just fine. Right? Well....maybe not so much.

First of all, your posture actually does reflect how u feel about yourself. For example, one posture seen pretty often these days is one of people with very rounded shoulders and flat back. Many many people these days feel very beaten down and consistently over-stressed and it shows up in this posture. It also reflects how many people spend their lies sitting down, slumped over at their desks and/or behind their computers, which simply adds to the above mentioned.

Secondly, The physiology of ur body effects u mentally and emotionally.
What you do with your body, in any way, effects how you feel. Bad posture also effects circulation, muscle balance, etc., which effect so many things, including causing pain, which we all know effects people mentally and emotionally.

Thirdly, Ur body shape changes w ur posture. Do an experiment: stand in front of a full length mirror. Stand with your shoulders completely rounded over and your pelvis tucked under. Look what it makes your body look like. Hmmmmm, does your belly pooch out? Do u look like u need to lose 10 lbs, like u r sad, older than u r, have no muscle tone, etc? Now, stand up tall and let your shoulder blades slide down your back toward your hips and your chest open. Hmmmmmmm, do u look like u just lost 10 lbs? Do u look happier? Do you look younger? Hmmmmmmmm.

So posture really does matter, for many many reasons.

What are you doing to improve yours?

Don't cheat yourself. Be all that u can be. Feel as great as u can feel. Let others clearly see how amazing u r! Don't hide u, u deserve to be showcased and to shine brightly! Start with your posture, it will make all of the difference in the world for u, for ur body and for ur spirit.

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