Sunday, September 8, 2013

She loved life and it loved her right back!

"She loved life and it loved her right back!"

I love that saying!  Have u ever noticed that when u r in a great mood, making eye contact,  smiling and saying hi to everyone u see, everything in life seems just a little easier and more magical?  When we exude love and happy, everyone and everything is attracted to us. 

When we go thru our lives in this space, we are asking the Universe to love us back, even if we don't know it.  People want to give when we are in this space, it's extremely attractive, period.  It's a space of the feminine, allowing, loving, acceptance and gratitude and everyone feels safe around this and wants to be a part of what u have!  Everyone and everything is attracted to it.

It's just like Fishing-do u just stick a pole out there at the fish?  No!  U hang out and attract them.  They r attracted to the shiny object.  U r being a shiny object and energy (people, things, situations...) can't help but be attracted! 

Now see, the problem is that many of us live in the opposite space.  We live in fear, scarcity, roadblocks, and lost in our heads and thoughts, never being fully present and open for life to love us right back.

The flow is going to STOP if u r in FEAR!!!!  So let go of it!

When we r in fear, everything is contracted.  We have pain and tension in our bodies, feelings of lack and defeat and thoughts of how we can't _______________ (fill in the blank with your choice of what u tell urself)!

I invite u to try it on.  Shift ur feeling to one of love and gratitude and abundance; knowing and trusting and loving as ur go to place u live from, instead of the default drama space u revert to automatically.  Notice how ur body is.  Notice how all of ur feelings shift and change and u r much more able to be present and right here, right now, instead of always lost in the thinking thinking thinking distraction that is such a habit for so many of us.

It's just like working out, the more u do it and the more u practice, the stronger u get and the better u r at it!

So flex ur love, allowance, surrender, gratitude and receptivity muscles!  Just like the physical muscles, u will reap big benefits from the commitment to urself!  Now, stay w it and just notice how when u love life, it loves u right back!