Sunday, March 13, 2016

Hey you! Look at Me! I got this!

  1. Not fully commanding the space:

    Have you ever had the experience of seeing someone so completely magnetic that they walk into a room and captivated everyone's attention? Angelina Jolie or Oprah come to mind for me. They couldn't hide in the back of a room if they tried, their presence permeates any place they are. Now, we aren't all Oprah or Angelina Jolie but we can all develop this quality of commanding the space that we have!Neither one of them started out with that captivating presence, they grew into it. That said, you have to command the space in order to rock the stage and sell yourself...therefore be able to sell ANYTHING from stage.

    What's different about these people? They have captivating presence. They are completely grounded in this very moment, period. It is: physical alertness, emotional vibrancy, spiritual awareness and union with what is right here and now; it is vital connection to who we are and what we are sensing; it is an extreme, acute, tuned-in mindfulness to what is happening in that situation. If you are not playing in this space for yourself everywhere in you life, it will show up. Ok, what does all of that mean, anyway?! Here are some simple ways to understand at each of these:

    ***Physical Alertness-sensing and feeling the energetic around you and knowing on a cellular level what it going on surrounding you. Our bodies are a giant antenna and we pick things up from everywhere all of the time. Connect with what you pick up, you are picking it up for a reason.
    ***Emotional Vibrancy-don't go through life shutting down how you really feel! Everything you think and feel and know eminates from you so feel and show it! Be excited and joyful to be right where you are, wherever you are. Life and every situation you find yourself in is a gift!
    ***Spiritual awareness and union-the all encompassing connection and communion with the all that is, inside and outside.
    ***All of this contributes to the vital connection and mindfulness needed to rock a room...and your life.    

    If you've been struggling with the same self-sabotaging behaviors keeping you from the things you yearn for:  the answer isn't just in your attitudes...OR your's in your body....

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