Sunday, May 18, 2014

So you REALLY want it? If you did, you would get it and nothing would stop you.


Is what you are doing, BEING and choosing in your life congruent with what you want (body, mind, spirit)?   If not, then y do it?  Choose different.  So you REALLY want it?  If you did, you would get it and nothing would stop you.  So, I ask you again, do you REALLY want it?

I know so many people who say they want something, from changing their body to changing their life to getting a new sofa.  The SAY they want it, but they use some excuse to not have it.   People say they want to have stronger, leaner and healthier bodies, and they won't get up and productively move their bodies with intention to change them OR make smarter food choices.  Hmmmmm, from what we know about how bodies function, is anything going to change?  People say they are in terrible pain in some way, and they won't actively and passionately seek out how to change it; when they DO find the solution for themselves, they use some excuse, usually time and/or money, to not have it for themselves.  Hmmmmm, does that make any logical sense if you REALLY want to be out of pain?  The same is true for everything in a person's life.  If you want it, truly in your bones want it, you will make it a priority:  energetically align yourself with your focused desire, schedule in the time, find the money, find a way to trade services to get our of pain, do a layaway plan on the sofa, endless possibilities.  It is simply a matter of choosing that you want something and directing your intention and actions towards having it, no questions.

Priorities.  What are you making the most important thing in your life?  What is in your life reflects what your priorities are.   Empower yourself.  Choose what you really want.  Go after it.  Be TRULY TRULY OPEN to how it is going to show up.  Very often times it will not look like you think it is going to look, be open to and OK with that.  One choice lead to the next choice, which leads to the next one and you eventually end up at the end of your yellow brick road of the changed body, the Out-of Pain back, the awesome new car that you didn't think you could EVER afford!  

You get the idea.  It all boils down to choice.  It all boils down to how bad a person REALLY wants something.  I am in NO way shape or form saying it's going to show up tomorrow, I am saying that if you really decide and go after it, really aligning yourself energetically with what it is, not having these old limiting beliefs around WHATEVER you are telling yourself is stopping you.  It's really not, you and what you are making a priority are. 

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