Sunday, August 25, 2013

Life without my Bella

I had a client cancel on me this morning. I decided to use the time to sit in my backyard (instead of being busy around my house filling up the time picking up, as I normally do), be quiet and work on my focus and goals for my life, my blog, and creating space for whatever grandness is coming my way that I don't have an idea of. So I sit in contemplation and solace, with my water feature on, enjoying and loving being in my own sanctuary and piece of nature away from everything. I would love to take off and go be in the mountains, away from everything, for a weekend or a week, but I cannot do that right now, so I am being with and loving what I have in my life and with me right now. My fountain gives me the sound of running water, so I have the sound effects, and everyone can connect with Mother Nature, where ever they happen to be at that second. Be right here, right now.

You see, my Bella Angel Girl and I lost our fight with cancer almost 3 weeks ago.   She was such a big part of me and my life, and now I am left with finding my way and building the rest of my life without her.   For the last 4 months, I was her caretaker and we spent every second that was at all possible together.  I took her with me any place that it was at all possible: she went to my studio many many times, she went to outside meetings with me, we walked our favorite trail in the mountains together until she just stopped one day on our way up to the higher elevations and flat out told me she couldn't do it, I laid w her on the floor-loving her and praying for healing as I had the 3 other times her life was threatened and we beat it.   For anyone who didn't know my Bella, she was a lover and a fighter.  She was a so sweet, beautiful, strong, amazing being who loved loved loved everyone she met.  She was about as close to a reflection of me in a dog body as there could possibly be.   I really couldn't imagine me and my life without her.   So, she gave me lots of notice, to make sure we were ready, both of us, but mainly me.  We were both so tired by the end.

This process has been such a huge journey for me:  I started it holding on tighter than I ever have before.   I began to understand surrender, I integrated a big understanding of surrender into my body and being.  I came to understand where the balance of surrender and Fighting w every ounce of Momma Bear and Love I have, is.   I finally experienced being able to be with the thing that absolutely terrified me.  I let go.   I am learning how to integrate still feeling her beautiful spirit and letting go of the sadness of not having her body with me.

So, here I sit, in our backyard that she loved so so much, with my boy dog wandering around, helping me so much just with his presence, moving on with creating my life.  What were my big dreams before I started this?  Where was I going?  Who am I without my B here in physical form with me?   I must choose to find out, to remember.  She wouldn't want me to just sit and be sad and lost.  She knew I am amazing and she wanted me to love me as much as I loved her.   So, I am moving forward.  I can see her with me.  I feel her.  Along with my tears, my heart is so happy and thankful and expanded when I look at her pictures including the so sweet photo shoot we did weeks before she died.   I am finding and recreating me and my life from this pivotal point forward.

So, I'm back. You will hear from me more. :). I hope to see all of you more! The Dance continues and I look forward to all of you being my partners in this divine piece we are creating. Much love...


  1. Grief is a real emotion. Be with the emotion, feel it, harness within to contain that energy that is needed to heal. Releasing it too soon may hinder the process. Holding onto it settles deep into the soul. Time is a healer. Feel into the emotion as you sense into your body as you embrace and give love to you, that part that pains, surrender into the loving essence of your spirit that is truly you. Sending you a big hug as you feel and heal. In love and light. Sunni Madrid

    1. Hi Sunni,

      Thank u so much for your comment. I'm not hindering the process in any way. I still feel sad when I feel sad, I still miss her, I still talk to her, I still feel her, I still love her, and I know my B wants me to do my life w her still w me and holding me up, as she always has. Me moving on with my life isn't me not grieving her, it is simply an honoring and a loving her and what she and I have done together over the last 15 years...thank u again for your words, hope to see u soon! hugs.

  2. You are so beautiful and magnificent. Bella was a magnificent mirror for you and I am sorry she is no longer here in body. Sending you even more healing love my friend! Keep taking care of you!!! xoxo

    1. Thank u soul sister. Bella was me in a dog body and an absolutely wonderful mirror for me. Absolutely and I have said it from day one of us coming together. She was my kid, my best friend and the love of my life as well. I'm sorry she isn't here w me in her dog body anymore either. I have LITERALLY dreaded the day she wouldn't be since the day she came home with me. I didn't think I could go on without her. I didn't know who I was without her. But, she wants me to love me as much as I love/d her. She wants me to really take care of me. I know this down to my bones and soul. thank u for the love, you bless me every day with your presence in my life. hugs awesome one.

  3. Thank you for sharing this, and your journey with her. You are stronger because of Bella, and her love is still with you, and always will be, to remind you to let go, and grow, and surrender, and love, and be who you are meant to be. I appreciate you.

    1. Thank u my sweet friend. Of course, if she and I, our life and our process of her death can help and/or inspire anyone, I want it to. She deserves it. I am stronger because of Bella, I am also healed and know love and how to love in so many ways I would not know how to without her. She is with me for all of those things, and how freaking profound that one little blonde, beautiful angel could teach me so much. Much gratitude, I appreciate u.
