Sunday, May 5, 2013

Gratitude Beyond Gratitude in My Life

My message today:

Sometimes I turn on the Joel Osteen Service on Sunday mornings. Sometimes he is speaking right directly to me, sometimes it's just a nice reminder or lovely positive message for me.

Today he was speaking right directly at me. His bottom line today was "Seek God in everything in your life. Say thank you for everything in your life, even, and especially, the mundane. If you seek God and stay in Gratitude, many many blessings will come to u, far greater then u can imagine or make happen by yourself."

I have decided this week to let go of a very toxic situation in my life. I have been holding on to this situation for many, many, many reasons (some of which I don't even realize consciously), not the smallest being that I make $1200/mo from this situation. This past week, I decided no more. I am trusting, asking for and open to receiving whatever shows up now to help me. I fully know that whatever shows up will not look like anything I can come up with or create all on my own, I'm going to need many things I have no control over to happen.

I also know I need to be thankful for what I do have in my life, and I have a lot. So so so many things have transpired for me to let me get to where I am now. So many people have come into my life in a BEYOND random way that has helped me get where I am today. I have much bigger dreams and aspirations and know I am on the road to much bigger things than I could have EVER have let myself imagine or even begin to step into doing and being even a year ago.

On the very same day, I found out that my Bella's cancer was making an appearance in her sweet little body again. Since then we have been on a healing mission. I now know that we have months, probably many months, instead of the days or weeks that I had feared and my vet had thought due to the pain she was in that day. She is now and Rollin along again, and I have been reminded ONCE AGAIN, that we are given gifts in our lives, and we need to be grateful for them, not take them for granted, in any way, shape or form.

So his message spoke directly to me: Seek God, Be in gratitude for everything, ASK for and RECEIVE miracles and profound, unbelieveable happenings in my life, ALLOW them to show up, to KNOW that things I can't even imagine will show up if I trust Spirit that will not evolve and happen if I go into fear in any Stay in Love, because Love and connection and trust and being grateful for my Life, is really all there really is.


  1. Very, very nice. I'm not aware of the particulars, Trace, but this move impresses me. I'm always astounded at the true Heroes and Heroines who stand up and say, "Enough is enough, it's time to be me." (: so good for you...keep at it! (:

  2. Thank u sweet sweet beautiful Tammy. I keep trying to figure it out in my mind, but it's so out of my Conciousness, and I am so done, I just can't even conjure the possibility of staying in this situation in my mind, much less my being!!
