Sunday, April 14, 2013

Fulfilled or Comfortable?

We live in a society that Is dedicated to our comfort , whether it is fulfilling or not. NOW, Consider the possibility that the Universe, God, Goddess, Your Higher Self, whatever You call it, is dedicated to your fulfillment, whether it's comfortable or not.

Think about that. How often has it happened that you fulfilled a dream, built a marriage, changed your body, created a business or anything else in your life that u really really wanted and that gave u the biggest happiness, depth and growth in your life and it was really really easy? If ever, then GOOD FOR YOU! You were completely ready for it, in so many ways. However, do we ever truly know what happened previously, internally or in life circumstances, to get us really ready for it? How do we know that the last big, hard challenge in our life wasn't what created the opportunity for that particular thing to be so incredibly easy?

I'm in yet another situation, well, several, that require a very challenging practice for me: patience, allowing, letting it be and unfold as it will, not as I want it to. I know it's unfolding, I know it will be beautiful, still challenging, still work but EVERYTHING I am being asked to wait and hold space for will be worth it. Whether it be relationship, body, current business, future business and new aspect of work that I am creating and growing into, this is all big, big stuff for me, now and in the bigger scope of my life. It's not exactly comfortable, but I LOVE the challenge and the growth and potential that is being created, germinated and fulfilled within my body, soul and being.

When have you let the discomfort stop you? When have you taken the easy way out? Have you regretted it and known that it could have been so much more? Have you felt like there was so much more to it and you owe it to yourself to follow that knowing and follow it thru? Then go there! Don't cheat yourself! Get everything that you can possibly get for yourself! Do it, take the first or the last step...where ever you are on the journey...and ALLOW your knowing, your body, your very being, to be your guide.

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