Monday, April 4, 2016

The bottom line truth

What good does being present and cultivating captivating presence 
 do for you?  
How do we possibly think that we are going to have what we want in our lives when if don't pay attention TO our lives and to the vehicle that we show up to do our lives in?  This body, this one sitting on this chair, in this room, is the only one we have and it’s awesome and amazing and it is how we communicate who we genuinely are with the world!  The importance of showing up fully for yourself and others to carry out your mission here on earth can't be overstated!

Bottom Line Benefits of Being Present

Life is a great and wondrous mystery, and the only thing we know that we have for sure is what is right here right now. Don't miss it. ~ Leo Buscaglia

Focus: You aren't distracted. Your thoughts are not somewhere else. Your heart and mind is on the job or situation at hand. You enjoy what you do. You truly live in the moment. Do you have this in your life? Can you see how much developing this discipline everywhere in your life will change everything in your life? Your relationships will be more fulfilling. Your work will be better quality. You can truly HAVE Presence that draws everyone because they want what you have!
The other day a man asked me what I thought was the best time of life. "Why," I answered without a thought, "now." ~ David Grayson
Listening: Do you remember what others tell you? Do other people tell you that they have told you things and you have no recollection of it? Do you blame it on age!? It's probably not your age, the truth is you You are hearing things but you are not actually listening. It is like a school kid who is staring at the teacher and his mind is thinking about recess. To be present is to pay attention and listen to the other person talking to you. You respect the other person when you listen with your heart and mind. True communication is the Power of Two, Transmitting and Receiving. BOTH are crucial for communication. Life is too short to go through life with ineffective communication.
Peace of mind: You are not dwelling on the unpleasantness of the past or the uncertainties of the future. Your thoughts are on what you can do and what you want to do right here and now. Most of my clients come to me desiring more peace and calm and centeredness in their lives. We work towards them finding this for themselves in the ways that work for them, not the ways that other people tell them they should do it. It is knowing what you know and embodying it.
A clear mind: Your mind is in the present and you are not burdened by other thoughts. You think clearly, sensibly and logically. There is really nothing airy-fairy or out there about being centered within onesself. It is simply confidence and clarity. It is living right here and now, present and in your body.
Living in the moment means letting go of the past and not waiting for the future. It means living your life consciously, aware that each moment you breathe is a gift. ~ Oprah Winfrey
Alert: Being present is being interactive and responsive. It is being aware of what is happening and developing the ability to react quickly. When you drive, your mind is on the road. While you are eating, you think of the food that you are chewing. When someone speaks to you, you truly listen to be able to respond appropriately. While you are making love, you are completely with yourself and the other.
Happiness: To avoid incessant thinking and be absorbed in the present moment like a child is to be happy. You are influenced by your thoughts. Too much thinking of the past and future will rob you of your mood to enjoy the present moment. Do you run around frazzled and blaming your unhappiness on the running around ruling your life? The truth is, whoever does this is choosing to be frazzled and unhappy. What if it was as simple as choosing happiness, peace and calm? Here's the bottom line: you can still run around getting everything done, being much more effective and still do it all!
 Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present. ~Jim Rohn
Productivity: Being fully conscious of what you are doing when your mind is calm and your thinking is clear ALLOWS you to act more decisively and you work more effectively and efficiently. Embodied clarity creates so many amazing things for your life!

Tracy Revell is a Presence, Fitness and Confidence Coach who uses the words "Love your Body. Rock your Life." as a mantra for those who desire more Confidence within Themselves and in their Bodies. She empowers people to become and BE more confident in their own skin, present in their bodies and their body-mind-spirit. They go from a place that is less than loving themselves to an EPIC place of love and joy at who they are, within themselves and in their bodies. It is only truly from this space of living that we can shift our lives. How we show up and move in our bodies is a big indicator of our emotional, physical and psychological health. It's the step beyond Body Language...When we actually live life Present in our bodies with Intuition and Knowing instead of just in our heads and Balance it with Focus and Action, we experience our BEST life in a more joyous, self-sustaining way!

1 comment:

  1. The good news is that we dont have to conditioning our happyness.
