Monday, August 18, 2014

The 3 things I focus on teaching people when they start with me

The main 3 things I focus on teaching people to strengthen and engage in their bodies when I start working with them: their glutes, the muscles in the lower part of the upper back and their transverse abdominus. I am writing a 3 part blog series to focus on each of these areas and their role in our bodies and lives. We, as humans, are as far from simple beings as there is. Our bodies, how they function and how everything is interconnected reflects this to an infinite and PROFOUND degree!

Everything in our bodies relates to everything else in our bodies as well as in our energetic bodies! We develop compensations physically due to other things that begin to not connect physically, but in truth, those things happen because of something going on within us emotionally as well. This week I am focusing on the glutes. Next week, it will be the upper back, then the transverse abdominus.

The glutes are the largest and most powerful muscles in our bodies. They hinge and support the entire body in most movements we do. We also hold much of our primal, sexual and creative energy in our hips, which are largely supported by the gross motor movement in the glutes. In most people, REGARDLESS of if you already "workout", the glutes don't fire. They don't support the body from this place of absolute and internal strength. This misfire and disengagement happens for many reasons: sitting much of the time, lower back issues, hip alignment issues (structural or otherwise), trauma to the back and pelvis, inactivity, improper body mechanics due to stress, etc.

So you see, we are complicated in many ways! The movements I do with people are simple, simple, simple, and easy to learn but also take focus and a desire to learn, change and do something differently, which translates to everything in every area of our lives. When we teach you to engage your glutes, we connect you to this huge power source within you, physically and energetically, that you have cut off...for whatever reason and the reason doesn't matter...what you do moving forward does. When you reconnect them, it shifts so much for you! In your body, as in your life, all it takes is a desire to shift, learn, become more powerful and stronger. Have you chosen this for yourself? Have you chosen this in your life? Have you chosen this in your body? I will help you chose it...all you have to do is ask. It's not always easy (what's the old saying, nothing worth having ever is?) and it is so worth it.

Call (303) 525-7058 or email me now,, to do a consultation with me and chose it for yourself!

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