Sunday, July 13, 2014

Vulnerability. Wholeheartedly.

Vulnerability.  I have been told that vulnerability is the key for me to get everything I want...romantically with a man, as well as professionally with the business I am creating.  Ok, Cool, Got it, Simple.  Be vulnerable.  Ummmmmm....what does that mean, anyway?  We bat the term around a lot, but what does vulnerability really mean and how do I be it?

Brene Brown is seen as a foremost authority on vulnerability.

Her take:  "The overwhelming message in our culture today is that an ordinary life is a meaningless life unless you are grabbing a lot of attention and you have lots of Twitter and Facebook fans who know everything you know.  I use the shame-based fear of being ordinary as my definition for narcissism...No matter how happy and fulfilling (a person's) small, quiet life is, they feel it must not mean very much, because it's not the way people are measuring success, which is just terrifying."

"The root of the scarcity issue is fear.  Fear consumes an enormous amount of energy in our lives, and to me it's probably the greatest casualty of the scarcity culture.  We are spending so much time and energy being afraid that we are not fully walking into our power and gifts."  In addition, "Joy is a daring emotion!  We are going to let ourselves stop in a moment that won't last forever, that can be taken away.  We feel almost that you are a schmuck if you let yourself feel too deeply because the bas stuff is going to happen."

She has coined the term "wholeheartedly" for the people who live their life from the feeling of being enough.  How did they arrive at that emotional place?  There are two things they share in common.  The first is a sense of worthiness-they engage in the world, with the world, from a place of worthiness.  Second, they make choices every day in their life, choices that almost feel subversive in our culture.  They are mindful about things like rest and play.  They cultivate creativity, they practice self-compassion.  They have an understanding of the importance of vulnerability and the perception of vulnerability as courage.  They show up in their lives in a very open way that I think scares most of us."

"When I asked people, 'What is vulnerability?', a large percentage of them used the example of "initiating sex with my wife/husband".  Yet, there can be no intimacy-emotional, spiritual, or physical intimacy without vulnerability.  One of the reasons there is such an intimacy deficit today is because we don't know how to be vulnerable.  It's about being honest with how we feel, about our fears,  about what we need, and, asking for what we need.  Vulnerability is a glue that holds intimate relationships together."

To me, that is the gold for me here...being completely honest with how I feel, who I really am and letting another person/other people completely see me, about my fears and what I need, and asking for what I need.  Ouch.  Scary.  Completely absolutely terrifying.

If I do that:  I open myself up to judgement about how I feel (especially if it's not nice, like everyone always wants everyone else to be and feel, real or not), I might have someone I really like and really want to like me NOT like me and that would completely destroy my little heart, I might confess my fears and what I need and be completely judged and rejected and if I ask for what I need and I don't get it, or, even worse, I get told that it's ridiculous, that would be completely devastating!

So, the alternative:  I live my life and do't admit or ask for what I want and what I know is my soul's longing and/or truth because I will be judged by others outside of my life.  Um, yeah.  That doesn't sound like a good idea to me.  I don't admit what I want and express and I don't get what could make me really happy.  Of course, I still might not, but I have NO chance if I'm not vulnerable with it.  I might ask for what I want and not get it, or I just might get it and WAY more than I ever dreamed of or hoped for, in all ways....

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