Sunday, April 20, 2014

Spring: In every Tradition in the world...Rebirth and Transformation

My church message from Joel Osteen this morning, "The only way to tap into the powers of resurrection within you is to believe. There is a power within you that is unstoppable. Don't go thru life intimidated when you are so powerful."

Today is Easter.  Easter...the day that Christ rose from the dead.  He rolled the stone away from the entrance of the tomb where they had laid his lifeless body and he was resurrected from the dead.  In the Spring, nature resurrects herself and rises from the dead.  People come out from out hunkering down for the winter feeling and want to thrive, live and be outside in the beautiful sun!  

It is also the time we shake away the relative darkness of winter and step into the light of Spring: Inspired, hopeful, planning a fun and amazing year!  

I just spent the weekend at an experiential event called "Adventures in Transformation".  This weekend was huge for me in so many ways.  It was huge for all of us who attended in so many ways, and we believe the work we did there ripples out and effects the world, period, because everything and everyone in the world is connected, whether we like it, believe it or not.  It is a scienticifally proven fact that we are all in this system together and energy never gets destroyed, it simply gets recycled.  We all left inspired, with new hope, new possibilities birthed within us...resurrected and reborn from the constricted and hopeless space we had been functioning from and born again into a big and loving space within us.

My presentation there was very much a rebirth:  of me, from me, for me and for my work in this world.  As many of you know,  I was heavily involved with Nia form many, many, many years.  While I still love her very, very much and I have great respect for my background...this weekend physically marked me stepping into my own body of work, "Embodied Confidence" that is a reflection of everything I have done, learned, gone through and been in my life.  It has been many years and lots of blood, sweat and tears coming to be birthed into this world.

I have many offerings that will fit for many different people within EC.  I hope that you will be inspired and moving to move out into your own light and join me sometime!  

Embodied Confidence

It is impossible to change or heal your body and life simply working in the Emotional, Psychological or Energetic realms.  
It is impossible to change or heal your body and life simply by moving and/or beating up your body in the Physical realm.

How we relate to the Body and Mind is how we relate to life itself.  The degree to which we can touch pain with mercy as well as embrace joy completely...that is the degree to which we can go beyond the old and enter into life wholeHEARTEDLY...We have to work with ALL of us to change and heal!

----Movement is the way of moving who you be out into the world.  You take the energy you discover within and use Movement to bring it into the greater space around you like a ripple manifestation.  When you discover your Personal Power, it effects Everything and Everyone around you.
----Everything that is up for us in our lives (mind, heart, spirit...), Shows up in our bodies.  We develop injuries, compensations, have accidents and weaknesses, etc. that reflect what is going on in our chakra and energetic system.  Our bodies are simply and eloquently our vehicles for how we show up, experience and do our lives, period

Accept and love your biggest Gifts and your biggest Challenges. They make us who we are...BODY, MIND AND SOUL! Embodied Confidence.
 Own it.

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