Sunday, January 13, 2013


Letting go. It might not look like I thought it would look. Willingness. These seem to be the themes of my year, so far.

Lots of things seem to not be fitting anymore. Lots of things I thought I knew for sure are not as I expected in any way at all. I read the daily thought I get from an organization called "The School of Deepening." a few days ago and the subject was on "Thinking". It said, basically, when u think about something and play a situation over and over in your mind, it takes you out of your life and your experience and your flow. I appear to be being asked repeatedly to not think and to stay in the flow.

I'm in the transition process of: working with an amazing Coach, William Sumner, on fully stepping into my greatness; I am doing a food clean out after the holidays with wine, sugar, carbs and fat; I am in the process of ending a relationship that just isn't what I want, no matter how much i want it to be, that I have been involved in for the last 7-9 months, off and on; I am adding a whole new component to my business and hopefully my income making possibilities for the future; I am stepping into and loving the flow of the river and letting go of the fear that inevitably still pops up every once in a while. Lots of concious and unconcious discreating and letting go.

I strive to stay out of thinking about it all too much. I strive to go with what is presented to me and to stay with what feels good, light and effortless in my Body and Soul. I strive to trust above all, knowing that the Universe is ultimately responding to me and what I'm putting out there and is always my choice to show up and dance, no matter what, or to hide and shrink from fear of pain and failure.

I choose life. I choose love, gratitude and acceptance. I choose living my life fully, no matter what. No matter what I have to bring in, experience or let go of...

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Tracy. What a lovely blog post. I can relate to many things you have written about. I too am going through a transition at the moment and I choose to 'trust' the universe and be guided by it! Easier said than done sometimes. Love & light Tracey :) x
