Sunday, January 12, 2014

The letting go and cleaning up in order to move forward

Whew, what a day!  I'm finally sitting down after a day full of taking down Christmas for 4-5 hours, vacuuming up ALL of the pine needles (which still smelled SO good), running to the store, making myself food for dinner tonight and some for this week, cleaning up the kitchen and unloading the dishwasher.  Whew!  All of that little bitty stuff that takes so long!

I kept my Christmas decorations up for as long as I possibly could without annoying myself because I LOVE Christmas.  The entire holiday season, from before Thanksgiving until New Year's day just makes me happy.  I love the Hope and the Energy of the Season.  I love getting little things for all of my clients and people in my life whom I love.   I love all of the lights up in town squares and downtowns.  I love all of the colors everywhere.  I love the decorations up in my home, stores, everywhere...

So, I prolonged it as long as I could, but now, onward into 2014, which will be a completely different year for me, for many of us, for so many reasons and thank goodness!  2013 was beyond brutal for me in so many ways.

So, I am sitting down to work on the first pieces that I am creating and unrolling in what I am coming to think of as my own body of work, "Embodied Confidence (TM)".  I have a couple of one day playshops (with very different focuses) that will be happening in February (Intro to Embodied Confidence) and May (Moving Your Inner Goddess:  Love your Body.  Love yourSelf.  Love your Life.).  I have a 5 week series starting in March (Moving Your Inner Goddess:  Feel Strong.  Be Strong.  Live Your Strength) that is focused on empowering women to get themselves and their bodies moving in Many different ways.  We will be exploring within a safe and nurturing group environment to start the create the knowing within themselves that they, and their bodies, CAN do it!  Then I will be doing a 2 day retreat tying everything together this summer!  How amazing is that?

I'm also going to be working with a large fortune 500 company and a couple of office complexes to create fitness programs for employees.  I'm incredibly excited about it!

SO, I had to let go of Christmas to move into this year and I am SO happy to be moving into this year.  What about you?  What are you excited about this year?  What magic are you creating in your life?


  1. This is wonderful! Congratulations, my love.

  2. Thank u love! Pretty damn excited about the direction I am going! How was the workshop? I so wanted to go hear him!!
