Sunday, March 10, 2013

transforming yourself into a strategic warrior in daily life

In Creating business or simply navigating daily life and all of it's challenges, "One of the 6 fundamental ideas you should aim for in transforming yourself into a strategic warrior in daily life:  worship Athena, not Ares. Athena was deemed by the Greeks to be the goddess of strategic warfare. Ares was the God of war in its direct and brutal form. The Greeks despised Ares and worshiped Athena, who always fought with the most intelligence and subtlety. Your interest in war is not the violence, the brutality, the waste of lives and resources, but the rationality and pragmatism it forces on us and the ideal of winning without bloodshed. The Ares figures of the world are actually quite stupid and easily misled. Using the wisdom of Athena, your goal is to turn the violence and aggression of such types against them, making their brutality the cause of their downfall. Like Athena, you are always one step ahead, making your moves more indirect. Your goal is to blend philosophy and war, wisdom in battle, into an unbeatable blend."-The 33 Strategies of War.

How cool is that?! Adds a whole different understanding to Feminine power, doesn't it?!
  What does it mean to YOU?  “transforming yourself into a strategic warrior in daily life” fascinating.  come from strategy, asking, understanding, love, softness and flowing with what is to get what I want instead of forcing what I THINK it should be.  Taking down the opponent thru being centered and coming from your Hara and Love, rather than brute force...the Aikido Martial Arts aspect of Nia rather than the Taekwondo.  The people who function from this brutal place only are easily misled and do no actually function with the world and what is, but against it. “Using the wisdom of Athena, your goal is to turn the violence and aggression of such types against them, making their brutality the cause of their downfall. Like Athena, you are always one step ahead, making your moves more indirect. Your goal is to blend philosophy and war, wisdom in battle, into an unbeatable blend."  TOTALLY Aikido in Nia:  Spherical, centered, harmonious motion. Coming from the Yin, not Always the Yang.  As in Movement and Nia, all aspects must be balanced and welcomed, worked with-not against, that will simply cause imbalance, weakness and missed opportuities for growth and strength.

How do you conduct YOUR Life?  Do you come from balance or from one extreme or the other?  How do you take care of YOUR body, coming from Love to heal and change it or from Punishment and force?  Nothing will ever truly change and have lasting change if it is forced to do it...Choice, Asking, Receiving, Creating...

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